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NATURE & NURTURE Dr. NANCY PRASANNA JOSEPH SRM Institute of Science and Technology Chennai.

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Presentation on theme: "NATURE & NURTURE Dr. NANCY PRASANNA JOSEPH SRM Institute of Science and Technology Chennai."— Presentation transcript:

1 NATURE & NURTURE Dr. NANCY PRASANNA JOSEPH SRM Institute of Science and Technology Chennai.

2 NATURE & NURTURE Scholarly and popular discussion about nature and nurture relates to the relative importance of an individual's innate qualities ("nature" in the sense of nativism or innatism) as compared to an individual's personal experiences ("nurture" in the sense of empiricism or behaviorism) in causing individual differences in physical and behavioral traits.nativisminnatismempiricismbehaviorismcausingphysicalbehavioral

3 Behaviour Genetics The study of the influences of heredity and the environment on behaviour “Nature” vs. “Nurture” Our genetic influences Environmental influences– - inborn traits (everything non-genetic)

4 What makes someone… A superior athlete?

5 What makes someone… Funny?

6 What makes someone… cruel, or evil?

7 What makes someone… Intelligent?

8 What makes someone… Brave?

9 What makes someone… Shy?


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