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The Art & Science of the Bougie.

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Presentation on theme: "The Art & Science of the Bougie."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Art & Science of the Bougie

2 Philosophy of Airway Management




6 Rory, I received and today from central supply. They have informed me that over the last few months the bougie use in the Emergency Department has risen from 1-2/months up to 13-15/month. They have informed me that the majority of these have been removed from the PIXUS under your name. I understand your enthusiasm but maybe you don’t have to use a bougie on every intubation?

7 Stylet Vs Bougie

8 ?


10 Limitations

11 Grip

12 Grip

13 Confirmation

14 Clicks Clicks


16 Tube Delivery


18 Preload?


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