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Housing Delivery Panel 2011- 2015 Suppliers Open Day 13 th September 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Housing Delivery Panel 2011- 2015 Suppliers Open Day 13 th September 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Housing Delivery Panel 2011- 2015 Suppliers Open Day 13 th September 2010

2 The West of England Partnership The four Unitary Authorities who form the West of England Partnership are – Bath & North East Somerset Council Bristol City Council North Somerset Council South Gloucestershire Council

3 Proposal To establish a partnership of housing developers and registered providers to maximise the opportunities to deliver the housing targets set within the West of England Delivery, Infrastructure & Investment Plan (DIIP) for the 4 years, 2011 to 2015.

4 AIM To deliver in partnership with development partners, development/management partners, management partners and specialist partners, high quality sustainable neighbourhoods with market and affordable housing, in well designed mixed communities within the agreed framework of the West of England Delivery, Infrastructure and Investment Plan.

5 Framework The Panel will be set up as a framework with 5 different lots on behalf of the four authorities forming the West of England Partnership The framework will be open to Registered Providers and Private Developer The framework will be used by all parties and the UAs to select partners for a particular scheme UA selection for directly commissioned schemes will be done by mini tender from Panel members.

6 Delivery of DIIP Housing and Affordable Housing Schemes identified in the DIIP will either be:- – competitively procured through the Panel ( i.e via S106 agreements) or –one of the 4 authorities will commission through separate mini tenders on specific schemes –or –Partners will work together via the Panel to share expertise, resources and capacity to deliver joint schemes

7 Partnership Offer The UAs and the WEPO will work together with Partners to secure delivery including; –Reviewing processes of delivery –Engagement with Government Agencies to identify and secure additional funding –Identifying and removing blockages to delivery –Reviewing methods to improve the viability of schemes

8 Description of Lots Lot 1 Development Housing only Partners –5 -25 Partners Lot 2 Development & Management Housing Partners –5 – 25 Partners Lot 3 Management only Partners –5 – 25 Partners Lot 4 Specialist Extra Care Housing Partners –3 – 10 Partners Lot 5 Specialist Rural Housing Partners –3 – 10 Partners

9 Route Map The EOI provides a route map to aid completion depending upon the preferred application. Applicants should choose either Lot 1 or 2 or 3 and/or 4 & 5 The Pre Qualification Questionaire (PQQ) sets out technical questions relating to each Lot and ONLY those technical questions relating to the Lot you are applying for need to be completed.

10 Indicative Timetable EOI Advert placed 30th September Stage 1 - PQQ Submission 8th November Deadline for Questions on PQQ 25th October Invitation to Tender issued 14th December Interviews from 4 th - 16 th January Detailed Submission 24th January 2011 Selection of Partners 7th March 2011 HDP Commences Operation 1st April 2011

11 BEPS - How to register In order to become a supplier to BCC you have to register your company on our E Tendering database (BEPS) To register log onto the website below Then look for the category:- –WB01 – Building & Construction Contracts Any problems registering please ring the dedicated helpline on:- 0117 9223495

12 Registered on BEPS When you are registered on BEPS and have registered against the specific work type (WB01) you need to:- –Regularly visit the Bulletin Board. This is where our Tenders and Contracts are advertised against specific work types When the Housing Delivery Panel project is released it will appear in the Bulletin Board for you to express an interest and download the information pack and PQQ

13 P.Q.Q Answer all the questions Insurances –Minimum cover –Insurance forms Case studies – limited to 250 words –Bullet points Declaration Accounts –Parent company Non-Collusive Certificate

14 P.Q.Q Selection criteria P.Q.Q questions can be received up to – 4.00 pm Monday 25 October 2010 Bristol eProcurement Service (BePS) – will not allow any late questionnaire Return date for questionnaire –4.00pm Monday 8 November 2010

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