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Partnerships for Mobility Management and Development

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1 Partnerships for Mobility Management and Development
Gaining from Migration Experts’ Meeting 29 March 2007

2 Migration and Development: Policy Proposals
Look at migration policies through a development lens Integrate international migration into development strategies Overhaul the organisation of migration management Make policies more coherent for more effective management 2

3 Percent of Tertiary Educated Population in OECD Countries
Countries with the highest proportion of their tertiary educated population in EU15: -small countries and island states: Gambia, Suriname, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Mauritius, Sierra Leona -African countries appear at the top of the list Source: OECD Database on Expatriates and Immigrants, 2004 3

4 Looking at Migration Policies Through a Development Lens
Tackling the brain drain… experiment with innovative circularity schemes to manage migration flows without crippling social services • continue developing guidelines for recruitment of the highly skilled

5 Less-educated migrants don’t come from the poorest countries
Source: Data from OECD Database on Expatriates and Immigrants, 2004; WDI; authors’ analysis. 5

6 Looking at Migration Policies Through a Development Lens
Organising recruitment of low and semi-skilled migrants… introduce smart visa provisions to facilitate circularity develop an Integrated Monitoring System enter into strategic partnerships with migrants’ home countries rethink GATS Mode 4 provisions for trade in services encourage and support regional schemes among developing countries

7 Reported Remittances Sent per Migrant (2000)
Source: IMF Balance of Payments Statistics and UN Trends in Migrant Stock. 7

8 Looking at Migration Policies Through a Development Lens
Mobilising and channelling remittances for development… lower the costs of transfers through formal channels expand financial services to poor rural communities

9 Integrating International Migration into Development Strategies
For sending countries: integrate migration into macroeconomic, human resource management, education, infrastructure and “South-South” policy initatives For EU Member States: use partnership arrangements to interlink more effectively recruitment with capacity building and development in sending countries.

10 Overhauling the Organisation of Migration Management
National level: inter-ministerial initiatives to promote co-ordination of development and migration policies Commission level: stronger systematic consultations across all relevant directorates

11 Migration management: Decision making in the EU
JHA Council (27 EU interior ministers) General Affairs Council (27 EU foreign ministers) Coreper II (Commitee of Permanent Representatives of the member states) High-Level Working Group on Asylum and Immigration (Interior/justice reps) SCIFA (Interior/justice reps) Working parties Migration & Expulsion Visa CIREFI Frontiers & False Documents Asylum

12 Coherence of Policies for More Effective Management
EU and Member State aid policies must exploit complementarities with migration policies EU trade policy should be crafted with attention to its impact upon labour mobility recognise the relationship between insecurity and labour mobility

13 For more info:

14 Thank you for your attention! Merci de votre attention ! Bedankt !

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