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Loss or increase of Tj causes a reduction in Slbo expression.

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1 Loss or increase of Tj causes a reduction in Slbo expression.
Loss or increase of Tj causes a reduction in Slbo expression. (A-F′) Slbo expression in BCCs (white arrows) at early stage 9 (A-C) and stage 10 (D-F). (A′-F′) Close-ups of BCCs. The red arrowheads highlight polar cells, the yellow arrows mark rosette cells. (A,D) In control BCCs, the Slbo signal is comparable between polar and rosette cells. In tj-RNAi-treated (B,E) or tj-overexpressing (OE) BCCs (C,F), the Slbo signal is strongly reduced in rosette cells compared with polar cells. (G-I) Mosaic BCCs contain tj-OE cells that are labeled with β-gal (yellow arrows). Slbo is undetectable in tj-OE rosette cells, but present in neighboring wild-type cells. (J) Average Slbo signal intensity in the nuclei of rosette cells relative to that of polar cells per BCC. The histogram shows mean + s.e.m.; n, number of BCCs examined. ***P< (K) Relative slbo transcript levels based on three biological replicas per genotype, as quantified by microarray analysis (mean + s.e.m.). Scale bars: 20 μm in A-G; 10 μm in A′-G′,H,I. PC, polar cells; RC, rosette cells. Felix Gunawan et al. Development 2013;140: © Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

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