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School/Community Partnership for

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Presentation on theme: "School/Community Partnership for"— Presentation transcript:

1 School/Community Partnership for
D-T Public Schools School/Community Partnership for Essential Planning January 17, 2018 Don Fritz, The FGR Group, 2018

2 SCPEP Session V Agenda Review Planning Process Introductions
Revisiting Program, Facility, and Financial Priorities Develop Draft Vision Statement Final Observations and Comments Next Steps? Don Fritz, The FGR Group, 2018

3 What Is SCPEP? A district and community partnership that studies district issues and identifies priorities for the district. The process creates a set of priorities that proactively moves toward a “preferred future” rather than waiting until problems arise. The district and community partnership acts as an advisory group to the Board of Education. Don Fritz, The FGR Group, 2018

4 Board Expectations To involve our community and keep them informed in the school system at all levels. To inform the community of the current program/course offerings at all levels. To inform the community about school demographics, facilities & finances. To have the community identify program/course priorities. Board develops Strategic Plan with goals, key indicators, and action steps. Don Fritz, The FGR Group, 2018

5 Why Plan? If an organization knows where it is going, it tends to get there; If the people in the organization knows where the organization is going, they tend to help! Don Fritz, The FGR Group, 2018

6 Re-Grouping Please re-group according to following criteria: 1) 4-6 participants per group; 2) Mixture of roles in the district (e.g. staff, Board, students, patrons); 3) Reps from communities served; 4) Varied years of experience in the district; 5) Varied perspectives. Don Fritz, The FGR Group, 2018

7 Introductions Introduce selves at table.
Review Session IV Summary Notes Share Observations, Comments, and/or Questions about the Financial Priorities Share with Large Group Don Fritz, The FGR Group, 2018

8 Program Priorities Meet/Exceed Rule 10 Life Skills Career Pathways
Co-curricular Offerings High Performance/Achievement Don Fritz, The FGR Group, 2018

9 Facility Priorities Pre-School Space Auditorium Cafeteria/Gym Use
Storage Classroom Space Don Fritz, The FGR Group, 2018

10 Financial Priorities Competitive Salaries Low Tax Levy Cash Reserve
Progressive Programs Don Fritz, The FGR Group, 2018

11 Purpose The greater the clarity of purpose, the greater the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization. Purpose/Mission, Vision, and Goals… Lead to… Organizational Behaviors Don Fritz, The FGR Group, 2018

12 Defining Purpose Mission – What Business are we in?
For Whom are we in the business? How do we our business? Vision – What does the future look like? Board and District Goals - What are our current goals, strategies, programs …? Don Fritz, The FGR Group, 2018

13 District Mission The mission of the Doniphan-Trumbull Public School – “Committed to Actions That Embrace Progressive Opportunities, Advanced Achievement, Genuine Respect, and Personal Integrity Through Active Community Partnerships” Don Fritz, The FGR Group, 2018

14 D-T Board Goals The Doniphan-Trumbull Board of Education Shall Support Effective Education through-out the District. The school maintains and communicates a purpose and direction that commit to high expectations for learning as well as shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning. The School operates under governance and leadership that promote and support student performance and school effectiveness. The school’s curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning. Stable governance, management & leadership A coherent course of study A reliable system by which to assess students’ progress Quality instructors who have a clear understanding of what they aim to teach, how and why. Access to resources they need Don Fritz, The FGR Group, 2018

15 D-T Board Goals The Doniphan-Trumbull Board of Education shall develop a comprehensive fiscally responsible budgetary plan. The school has resources and provides services that support its purpose and direction to ensure success for all students. The school maintains and communicates a purpose and direction that commit to high expectations for learning as well as shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning. The School operates under governance and leadership that promote and support student performance and school effectiveness. Fiscal adoption of Annual Budgets Forward looking facilities/grounds plan Continue Transportation Updating Don Fritz, The FGR Group, 2018

16 D-T Board Goals The Doniphan-Trumbull Board of Education shall expand educational opportunities PK-12. The school implements a comprehensive assessment system that generates a range of data about student learning and school effectiveness and used the results to guide continuous improvement. The school maintains and communicates a purpose and direction that commit to high expectations for learning as well as shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning. The School operates under governance and leadership that promote and support student performance and school effectiveness Use of Data Guaranteed & Viable Curriculum Researched based Instruction Assessment/grading system aligned to Curriculum Don Fritz, The FGR Group, 2018

17 Vision Statements The Vision describes the future.
The Vision is the destination of the Mission. A Vision evolves around Priorities. Vision Statements may change overtime. Don Fritz, The FGR Group, 2018

18 Vision Statements Vision Statements tend to be one sentence.
The Best Visions are short, focused, clear, specific, memorable, and easy to understand. The Worst Visions are long, not focused, unclear, “fuzzy,” easy to forget, and difficult to understand. Don Fritz, The FGR Group, 2018

19 Example – Kiwanis International
Mission – “… a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world, one child and one community at a time.” Vision – “… so that one day, all children will wake up in communities that believe in them, nurture them, and provide the support they need to thrive.” Goals and Strategies for implementation Don Fritz, The FGR Group, 2018

20 Reviewing Sample Vision Statements
Activity 5.1 – In Small Group Review Sample Vision Statements Identify Strong and Weak Vision Statements Identify what makes them Strong or Weak. Share with Large Group. Don Fritz, The FGR Group, 2018

21 Developing a Vision Activity 5.2 – In Small Group:
Review DTPS Mission and Priorities. Identify Key Vision Concepts for DTPS. Chart a Draft Vision Statement. Be prepared to share with Large Group. Don Fritz, The FGR Group, 2018

22 Draft Vision Statement
Activity 5.3 – In Large Group: Identify common concepts/themes Identify favored “wording/language structures.” Work Team writes draft Vision Statement. Don Fritz, The FGR Group, 2018

23 Next Steps Board will review, revise, and/or edit draft Vision Statement. Board Approves Vision Statement. Board of Education will meet to develop Strategic Goals and Key Indicators of Success. Work Groups will meet to complete Action Steps for Goals and Indicators. Board Approves and Implements Strategic Plan. Don Fritz, The FGR Group, 2018

24 Final Observations and Comments
Any Final Observations, Comments, and/or Questions for the Board and Administrations? Please complete the Feedback Sheet and leave on table. Thank you for your time and expertise; DTPS will be the ultimate beneficiary! Don Fritz, The FGR Group, 2018

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