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Effective Unit Elections:

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1 Effective Unit Elections:
Mastering the Presentation Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • Effective Unit Elections: Learning the Ropes

2 Why are successful unit elections important?
To recognize those campers who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law. Provide new candidates for membership. Convey the Order’s principles and ideals. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • Effective Unit Elections: Learning the Ropes

3 Does your presentation affect the Scoutmaster/Coach’s perception of the OA?
Remember, the unit election team represents the OA. The election can show the positive impact the OA has on their unit. Your presentation can make or break their impression. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • Effective Unit Elections: Learning the Ropes

4 Youth Membership Eligibility
Scoutmaster/Coach approval. Registered member of a troop/team. Hold the First Class rank. 15 days and nights of Scout camping within two-years of the election, Including one 6 day, 5 night long term Scout camping experience. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • Effective Unit Elections: Learning the Ropes

5 Adult Membership Eligibility
Registered member of the BSA. Camping requirements for youth are fulfilled. Able to perform the functions to help the Order fulfill its purpose. Provide a positive role model for youth OA members. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • Effective Unit Elections: Learning the Ropes

6 Unit Election Resources
Unit Election Form Lodge Unit Election Manual/Resource Booklet Lodge Unit Election Ceremony Lodge Call Out Ceremony Lodge Officers and Advisers Guidebook Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • Effective Unit Elections: Learning the Ropes

7 Procedures: Before Election
Know: SM/Coach info, meeting location, election date and time. Confirm with Scoutmaster/Coach. Prepare proper election materials. Ensure election team members are properly trained. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • Effective Unit Elections: Learning the Ropes

8 Procedures: During Election
Wear full Scout uniforms with OA sash. Meet with Scoutmaster/Coach. Ensure 50% of active youth are present. Review eligibility requirements. Obtain Scoutmaster/Coach approval for eligible youth. Conduct unit election. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • Effective Unit Elections: Learning the Ropes

9 Procedures: After Election
Complete and sign the election form. If at least one youth is elected, present Scoutmaster/Coach with Adult Nomination form. Conduct the call out ceremony used by your lodge/chapter. After the call out, hold a private meeting with them. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • Effective Unit Elections: Learning the Ropes

10 Common Election Problems
PROBLEM: Confusion over what Scouts in the troop are eligible for election. POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Cover requirements with Scoutmaster/ Coach again. Remember, Scouts under 21 must meet Youth membership requirements. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • Effective Unit Elections: Learning the Ropes

11 Common Election Problems
PROBLEM: Confusion over who can vote during the election. POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Inform unit that anyone under 21 registered in the unit may vote. “Adult” in BSA = 18 years of age. “Adult” in OA = 21 years of age. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • Effective Unit Elections: Learning the Ropes

12 Common Election Problems
PROBLEM: During first ballot, no Scout is elected. POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Re-discuss traits and values among Arrowmen. Explain there will be one more ballot. That ballot will be the results for the year. Conduct a final ballot. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • Effective Unit Elections: Learning the Ropes

13 Common Election Problems
PROBLEM: Inappropriate comments made during the election. POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Reiterate that it is a secret ballot election. No discussion is permitted. If problems continue, partner with Scoutmaster/Coach to settle disruptions. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • Effective Unit Elections: Learning the Ropes

14 Common Election Problems
PROBLEM: An eligible Scout was elected previous year but did not complete the Ordeal. POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Inform Scout that you have 1 year to complete the Ordeal. Match his election date with future Ordeal dates. If there is not an Ordeal within a year, place his name on the ballot. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • Effective Unit Elections: Learning the Ropes

15 Common Election Problems
PROBLEM: An eligible Scout declines to have his name places on the ballot. POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Remind him that being elected is an honor. Being elected does not require him to complete the Ordeal and become a member. By leaving his name on the ballot: He has nothing to lose. Provides opportunity for possible recognition. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • Effective Unit Elections: Learning the Ropes

16 Common Election Problems
PROBLEM: There is not 50% of the active youth present at the election. POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Ensure Scoutmaster/Coach is only counting “active” youth in the unit. If there is not 50%, before you leave: Reschedule the unit election date. Remind the Scoutmaster/Coach to stress the importance of attending the election to the unit. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • Effective Unit Elections: Learning the Ropes

17 Common Election Problems
PROBLEM: When calling to confirm unit election, the Scoutmaster/Coach cancels the election. POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Ask why he/she would not like an election. Attempt to address their concerns. Remind the Scoutmaster/Coach: Being elected is great recognition for unit members. An Arrowman’s primary responsibility is their unit. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • Effective Unit Elections: Learning the Ropes

18 Role Play Ron Smith, Scoutmaster of Troop #817
Been Scoutmaster for many years. Built strong, well mixed troop. Troop goes camping once a month. Last year, 817 was the council’s “Unit of the Year”. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • Effective Unit Elections: Learning the Ropes

19 Role Play Billy Johnson, Election Team Captain
Experienced unit election team member. This will be your first election as Captain. Responsible for: Confirming election with Scoutmaster. Recruiting trained election team members. Leading the election. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • Effective Unit Elections: Learning the Ropes

20 In Conclusion, Remember:
Work together with your team. Fully prepare for every election. Make a great impression with the Scoutmaster/Coach. Improve your presentation by: Working with the Unit Leader. Resolving any conflict situations quickly and tactfully. Order of the Arrow • Lodge Leadership Development • Effective Unit Elections: Learning the Ropes

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