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Isolation Hungarian group.

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Presentation on theme: "Isolation Hungarian group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Isolation Hungarian group

2 What does ISOLATION mean?
Hidden village in the middle of the jungle? Crowded City? OR Natural Isolation Social Isolation

3 Is it advantegous for the nature?
Natural Isolation Is it advantegous for the nature? Should we go there?

4 Social isolation Isolated by: the color of skin religion mentality
income Results: suicide (extreme case) sleep problems extreme sadness desire to do nothing

5 1989 Isolation in the past Iron Curtain Chances to get over Rules
Life behind the Iron Curtain 1989

6 Isolated nature behind the Iron Curtain
Only a few people had borderland authority Birches grow behind IC The second highest point of Hungary was isolated too

7 Is it possible to break the walls?
SO Once we could break them! Let’s break them!

8 Thank you for your attention! 
Hungarian group

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