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1.1 The State and the 6 Purposes of Government.

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1 1.1 The State and the 6 Purposes of Government

2 The basic political unit of the world: The state (remember, nation-states/countries, not States of the United States) Its 4 characteristics: Population Territory Sovereignty – supreme & absolute power Government

3 What is Government? Institution through which society makes & enforces its public policies All govts exercise 3 basic powers: Legislative power: MAKE law Executive power: ENFORCE law Judicial power: INTERPRET law Govt’s powers often outlined in a state’s constitution – body of laws

4 Theories of the state’s origin:
Force One FORCED control Evolutionary Began as a FAMILY & evolved into a state Divine Right Created by GOD & God chose who would rule

5 4. The Social Contract Theory
**Most important to the shaping of American govt People agreed to give up power to the state in return for the state’s service for their well-being

6 The 6 Purposes of American Government (Sound familiar
The 6 Purposes of American Government (Sound familiar? Where are these found?) To form a more perfect union To establish justice To insure domestic tranquility

7 To provide for the common defense
To promote the general welfare To secure the blessings of liberty

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