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Shipping Data Science Products with R and Docker

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Presentation on theme: "Shipping Data Science Products with R and Docker"— Presentation transcript:

1 Shipping Data Science Products with R and Docker
Productio n Running Docker for Windows? Find your containers IP: docker inspect <container name>| grep "IPAddress“ IP not found? route /P add MASK

2 I’m Steph!

3 We’re gonna look at shipping R stuff with Docker!

4 First, let’s overview Docker

5 All your code + enough OS to run
Encapsulated Quick to load Very scalable

6 Dockerfile

7 Docker hub

8 Docker Compose


10 So where do these things go?

11 Hosting Local Azure Container Instances Google Cloud Digital Ocean
Anywhere really

12 Azure Container Instances Demo
open cloud shell az -h az container -h az container create -h az group create --name rdockerdemos --location northeurope + scheduling ACI with azure automation + + multi-container deployments +

13 I need to get my code live – come on already!

14 Shippable RStudio Generic Shiny Rmd APIs

15 Rocker R containers R versions tidyverse ML shiny RStudio

16 Rocker Demo p1 open cloud shell
az container create -g rdockerdemos -- name rocker --image lockedata/docker- intror --restart-policy OnFailure -- ports location northeurope -- dns-name-label rockerdemo -- environment-variables PASSWORD=password az container show --resource-group rdockerdemos --name rocker --query "{FQDN:ipAddress.fqdn,ProvisioningState :provisioningState}" --out table

17 Rocker Demo p2 787 u001

18 Management wch/harbor bhaskarvk/docker richfitz/stevedore
Still waiting for a clear winner

19 harbor demo harbor::containers()
harbor::docker_pull(image = "rocker/tidyverse")

20 Generic o2r- project/containerit

21 containerit demo containerit::dockerfile(from="plu mber.R")

22 Shiny cole-brokamp/rize shiny_dockerize()

23 rize demo Create sample app rize::shiny_dockerize()

24 rmarkdown road2stat/liftr lift() render_docker()

25 Windows $USER issue right now for me
liftr demo lift("liftr-tidyverse.Rmd") containerit::docker_build(dockerf older = ".", tag = "liftrexample") Windows $USER issue right now for me

26 APIs plumber openCPU

27 opencpu demo az container create -g rdockerdemos --name opencpu --image opencpu/base --restart-policy OnFailure --ports location northeurope --dns- name-label opencpudemo --cpu 2 -- memory 3.5 .io:8004/ocpu/test

28 We can look at containerit, liftr, rize, opencpu, and more!

29 Wow! That’s a lot of options! Time to go play 👏

30 There will definitely be some stumbling blocks along the way – particularly in Windows

31 But it is worth it as a quick way to package your code, esp
But it is worth it as a quick way to package your code, esp. as you can get IT to worry about the scaling bit!

32 And I can find the slides and links on

33 Thanks for listening folks!

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