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More on iterations using

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1 More on iterations using
String and Char More on iterations using

2 Outlines Strings String variables Concatenation length() charAt()
Iteration examples using length() and CharAt()

3 Characters and Strings
A String is a series of chars. We can treat the series as one unit There are methods in the Java API we can use on strings

4 String variables String variables are unlike other variables we have used in this class. String variables are called reference variables because they hold a reference to where the string is stored in memory. Example: String s = "A string of characters";

5 String concatenation Two Strings together using the + operator to form a new string. This is called concatenation. The following statements: String s1 = “Hello "; String s2 = “Lahcen "; String s3 = s1 + s2; assigns the String “Hello Lahcen" to the variable s3.

6 String's charAt() method
String also has a method called charAt() which can be used to return any single character in a String. Note: The first letter in a string is considered to be in position zero. For example, if we have: String s = "Hello"; s.charAt (0) will return 'H' s.charAt (4) will return 'o' s.charAt (5) will return StringIndexOutOfBoundsException

7 String's length() method
All Strings know their own length. To find out the length of a string, we use String's length() method. For example: String s = "Hello"; int length = s.length(); Will place the value 5 in variable length.

8 Example Using while of for loops to write a program The program asks the user to enter a string and prints the number character ‘a’ in the string.

9 Answer with for loop import java.util.*; public class CountchartA {
public static void main(String[] args) Scanner in = new Scanner(; String s = in.nextLine(); int count = 0; for (int i=0; i < s.length(); i++) if (s.charAt(i) == 'a') count++; } if (count>1) {System.out.println("there are " + count + " charater 'a'");} else {System.out.println("there is " + count +" charter 'a'");}

10 Answer with while loop import java.util.*; public class CountchartA {
public static void main(String[] args) Scanner in = new Scanner(; String s = in.nextLine(); int count = 0; int I =0; while(i < s.length();) if (s.charAt(i) == 'a') count++; } i++; if (count>1) {System.out.println("there are " + count + " charater 'a'");} else {System.out.println("there is " + count +" charter 'a'");}

11 Example Using while of for loops to write a program The program asks the user to enter a string prints the string in reverse order i.e. if the the use enters “Hello”. the programs prints “olleH”.

12 Answer with while loop import java.util.*; public class StringReverse
{ public static void main(String[] args) Scanner in = new Scanner(; String s = in.nextLine(); String rs = ""; for (int i=0; i < s.length(); i++) rs = s.charAt(i)+ rs; } System.out.println(rs);

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