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Success… In order to be successful in this lesson you must be able to:

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1 Success… In order to be successful in this lesson you must be able to:
Learning Objective: In order to be successful in this lesson you must be able to: Collaborate with others to analyse the poem. STEP 1: Write your question on the post-it. STEP 2: the person whose question you’ve been given: Summary of the poem AND answer. STEP 3: Reply to the Do you agree with their answer? Ask a NEW question. KEEP GOING! At the end of the lesson, send your train to Mrs. W. The pair with the highest total will be rewarded on Go4Schools. You give each student a post-it as they come in; they read a new poem silently and then write their name and an open ended question linked to language devices, structure or context (just to get them started) on the post-it.  While they are getting logged on, you then pass out the post-its and they follow the instructions on the slide, continuing to back and forth.  I gave my weaker students the question prompts sheets (which you’d have to adapt slightly to be relevant to the poem you’re focusing on) to help them to ask slightly more elevated questions.  They finish, as it says on the slide, by ing you so that you can check their work. Rewards are given based on effort and depth of questioning. Success…

2 Unseen Poetry, Pupil Questioning With Email (2016) by N Ward, St
Unseen Poetry, Pupil Questioning With (2016) by N Ward, St. Paul’s Catholic School, Leicester, available under CC-By 4.0

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