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Organized by Design: Personality Inventory

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Presentation on theme: "Organized by Design: Personality Inventory"— Presentation transcript:

1 Organized by Design: Personality Inventory
Human Behavior

2 Column 1= Goal Oriented You enjoy change You are confrontational
You take charge You are problem solvers You are competitive You are a good motivator You see the big picture

3 Column 2= Easy Going You are a peacemaker You are relaxed You are warm
You are relational You are loyal You enjoy routines You make a really good friend to others You are selfless You put everyone else first

4 Column 3= Methodical You are orderly
You like to be accurate and precise You life facts/charts You make many lists You have high standards You show good judgment You meet deadlines You are creative Don’t be afraid to ask for help from others

5 Column 4= Spirited You are optimistic You are energetic
You are very verbal You are fun-loving You are enthusiastic You have good communication skills You are a “cheerleader”

6 In 4-5 complete sentences answer the following question:
Do you agree with your results. Why or why not? Provide a 2-3 examples.

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