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The power coefficients for translation (CP,t) and rotation (CP,r) versus time during one cycle for the different wing rotation timings (midstroke angle.

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Presentation on theme: "The power coefficients for translation (CP,t) and rotation (CP,r) versus time during one cycle for the different wing rotation timings (midstroke angle."— Presentation transcript:

1 The power coefficients for translation (CP,t) and rotation (CP,r) versus time during one cycle for the different wing rotation timings (midstroke angle of attackα m=35°, non-dimensional duration of wing rotationΔτ r=0.36τc). τc, non-dimensional period of one flapping cycle; τ, non-dimensional time. The power coefficients for translation (CP,t) and rotation (CP,r) versus time during one cycle for the different wing rotation timings (midstroke angle of attackα m=35°, non-dimensional duration of wing rotationΔτ r=0.36τc). τc, non-dimensional period of one flapping cycle; τ, non-dimensional time. Mao Sun, and Jian Tang J Exp Biol 2002;205: © The Company of Biologists Limited 2002

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