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Confession Before Message.

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1 Confession Before Message

2 As I sit to listen to the word of God today, a door of utterance has been opened unto us and I hear the voice of God clearly speaking to me - this is the way to go walk ye in it.

3 I listen under the influence of the Spirit of God and I am not distracted by anything or anyone.

4 The word of God is food to my spirit; I am strengthened by it this morning, it is wine to my heart creating joy within me. It is oil to my face causing my life to shine giving me victory in everything I do.

5 As my eyes make contact with the scriptures used in this message, the Spirit of God opens new things to me; He also brings to my remembrance things Jesus once showed me.

6 I come to understand God’s system on the earth and I receive instruction, encouragement, correction and the enablement to live out God’s will.

7 Confession After Message

8 At Covenant Christian Centre, we believe in the spoken word of God as the instrument through which the power of God is released into our lives everyday. We plant the seeds of God’s word into our lives everyday.

9 My tomorrow emerges from the words I speak today
My tomorrow emerges from the words I speak today. With God’s words on my lips I exercise authority and power in this material world.

10 With my heart I believe unto righteousness and with my mouth confession is made unto salvation.

11 As I go out this week the lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places
As I go out this week the lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places. A thousand may fall on my left and ten thousand to my right ,but no evil shall come near my dwelling place.

12 I release my angels to go forth before me this week - you bear me up in your arms and I do not make mistakes or dash my feet against any stone.

13 By the power of the Holy Spirit I live out my full-allotted life span without my strength diminishing. I am fat and flourishing standing erect till my old age.

14 I honor the Lord with my substance and first fruits of my increase, so my barns are filled with plenty and new ideas and experiences of blessings burst forth in the work of our hands.

15 I therefore make satisfactory progress in the work of my hands
I therefore make satisfactory progress in the work of my hands. Those in authority show me unusual favor by opening up doors of opportunities to me.

16 The anointing of God rests upon my family
The anointing of God rests upon my family. Angels protect my children and all of them excel bringing joy to my heart. I release angels this moment to stand with them to guide and guard them .

17 God orders my steps aright this week ; in my going out and coming in everyday single day I am blessed. Amen

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