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Observations Among the silicate planets, Plate Tectonics is only found on Earth, indicating that special circumstances are required. Plate Tectonics (kinematic.

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Presentation on theme: "Observations Among the silicate planets, Plate Tectonics is only found on Earth, indicating that special circumstances are required. Plate Tectonics (kinematic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Observations Among the silicate planets, Plate Tectonics is only found on Earth, indicating that special circumstances are required. Plate Tectonics (kinematic description) = Subduction Tectonics (dynamic description); PT = ST Subduction requires dense (= cold & thick) lithosphere to sink beneath less-dense asthenosphere. 1) becomes: When did Earth cool off sufficiently to allow ST to begin? Use geologic evidence to constrain ST start “Smoking guns” of ST: Ophiolites, Blueschists, and Ultra-High Pressure (UHP) terranes Abundance of Ophiolites and first appearance of Blueschists and UHP terranes indicate ST/PT began in Neoproterozoic time (~ Ma). Start of ST/PT affected global climate: Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth





6 …its obviously a quartz monzo diorite!!


8 James Hutton

9 The present is not always the key to the Past ~ James Braid

10 and…..Sometimes the Past is the Key to the Present

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