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Kandice Lockwood Lesson Plans

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1 Kandice Lockwood Lesson Plans
April 15-18

2 Strand: Clothing and Textile (FACS 1)
Date Bellringer Lesson FACS 1 Special Notes Monday NO School Tuesday Gather your supplies TLW set up the sewing machine TTW discuss how to create different stitches on the sewing machine TLW use paper to make practice stitches on a handout Sewing Supplies wednesday TLW set up machine and create practice stitches using a handout TTW break students into groups and demonstrate how to thread the sewing machine TLW practice threading the sewing machine thursday *faculty bball game Thread your machine TTW break students into groups and demonstrate how to insert the bobbin in to the sewing machine TLW practice inserting the bobbin the sewing machine friday 1. TTW discuss how to create pin cushion 2. TLW select fabric for pin cushion 3. TLW begin working on pin cushion by cutting, pining, and stitching Fabric Sewing notion Strand: Clothing and Textile (FACS 1) Standard 1. Evaluate fiber and textile materials Select appropriate terminology for identifying, comparing and analyzing the most common generic textile fibers Examine performance characteristics of textile fibers Examine textile legislations, standards and labeling in the global economy Assess effects of textile characteristics on design, construction, care, use and maintenance of products Select appropriate procedures for care of textile products. Standard 3. Demonstrate basic constructions techniques used to produce, alter, or repair textile products. Use a variety of equipment, tools, and supplies for apparel and textile construction Demonstrate the ability to use sewing equipment Demonstrate basic skills for production and altering textile products

3 Strand: Clothing and Textile (FACS 2)
Date Bellringer Lesson FACS 2 Special Notes monday No School tuesday Thread sewing machine 1.TTW discuss the backpack project 2.TLW begin pinning and ironing the fabric for bag Sewing Notions Fabric pattern wednesday TLW create a casing, side stitches, and insert the draw string thursday friday TLW finish construction on back pack and submit for a grade Strand: Clothing and Textile (FACS 2) Standard 2. Demonstrate apparel and design skills 3.Demonstrate the ability to create or use a pattern from a sketch or photocopy 7.Apply basic and complex color schemes and color theory to develop and enhance visual effects 9. Utilize elements and principles of design in designing, construction, and/or altering textile products. Standard 3. Demonstrate basic constructions techniques used to produce, alter, or repair textile products. Use a variety of equipment, tools, and supplies for apparel and textile construction Demonstrate the ability to use sewing equipment Demonstrate basic skills for production and altering textile products Use appropriate industry materials for cleaning, pressing, and finishing textile products.

4 Date Bellringer Lesson Food Science Special Notes monday tuesday
No School tuesday Get your computer 1.TLW select a video from the HP archived session about a field that interest him/her then view the film. Materials in Google Classroom wednesday 1.TLW take the information from the film to write an overview of the career based on the information shared. 2.TLW share his/her overview with peers Thursday *faculty bball game friday Standards: Human Development and Family Relationships 9-Demonstrate communication skills that contribute to positive relationships 2. Examine factors that affect messages communicated to others 4.Demonstrate active and reflective listening 8. Apply ethical principles in communication 14- Demonstrate leadership and team skills in the family, community, and workplace 1.Demonstrate ways to show respect for ideas and contributions of all group members 2.Demonstrate ways to organize and delegate responsibilities 3.Demonstrate ways to motivate and encourage group members 4.Demonstrate ways to cooperate, compromise and collaborate 9.Apply transferable skills that may be applied in family, community, and workplace environments Unit Objective: Explain the goals and expectations of Virtual Workplace Experience II

5 FACS 1 Standard 1. Evaluate fiber and textile materials
Select appropriate terminology for identifying, comparing and analyzing the most common generic textile fibers Examine performance characteristics of textile fibers Examine textile legislations, standards and labeling in the global economy Assess effects of textile characteristics on design, construction, care, use and maintenance of products Select appropriate procedures for care of textile products. Objectives: Demonstrate knowledge of textile fibers and their uses Demonstrate proper care for clothing garments

6 Strand: Clothing and Textile (FACS 2)
FACS 2 Standards Strand: Clothing and Textile (FACS 2) Standard 2. Demonstrate apparel and design skills 3.Demonstrate the ability to create or use a pattern from a sketch or photocopy 7.Apply basic and complex color schemes and color theory to develop and enhance visual effects 9. Utilize elements and principles of design in designing, construction, and/or altering textile products. Standard 3. Demonstrate basic constructions techniques used to produce, alter, or repair textile products. Use a variety of equipment, tools, and supplies for apparel and textile construction Demonstrate the ability to use sewing equipment Demonstrate basic skills for production and altering textile products Use appropriate industry materials for cleaning, pressing, and finishing textile products.

7 Food Science SHuman Development and Family Relationships
9-Demonstrate communication skills that contribute to positive relationships 2. Examine factors that affect messages communicated to others 4.Demonstrate active and reflective listening 8. Apply ethical principles in communication 14- Demonstrate leadership and team skills in the family, community, and workplace 1.Demonstrate ways to show respect for ideas and contributions of all group members 2.Demonstrate ways to organize and delegate responsibilities 3.Demonstrate ways to motivate and encourage group members 4.Demonstrate ways to cooperate, compromise and collaborate 9.Apply transferable skills that may be applied in family, community, and workplace environments

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