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Learning Views.

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1 Learning Views

2 Learning/Behaviorist View
Most behavior learned Consequences from environment External & situational emphasis Personality is collection of learned Rs Individual differences due to different history of consequences

3 Classical Conditioning
Stimuli: Response Unconditioned: Unconditioned Neutral: None Conditioned: Conditioned Process NS + UCS… NS becomes CS and causes CR (same as UCR)

4 Classical Conditioning
Personality = CC Rs Conditioning of N: Little Albert Conditioned emotional Rs Generalization Help explain neurotics NA?

5 Operant Conditioning Structural unit is response Process Objective
Operant produces consequences (rewards, punishers) Consequences increase/decrease p of behavior Internal explanations unneeded (motive, cognition, emotion)

6 Operant Conditioning Personality is learned/develops via consequences for behavior Stability due to consequence contingencies in environment Change contingencies change behavior

7 Stimulus-Response Theory
Structure Habit = S-R connection (learned) Drive = internal S that activates behavior Primary: Innate (pain, hunger) Secondary: Learned (money, success) Process Instrumental conditioning Rewards = drive reduction Punishment = drive enhancement

8 Stimulus-Response Theory
Personality = hierarchically arranged habits and drives Develops via instrumental conditioning

9 Learning Views: Strengths & Limitations
Good science Environmental emphasis Useful applications Limitations Overly simple and neglects key areas Not unified theory Treatment evidence weak

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