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Morphological alterations of the brain in Sox2β-geo/ΔENH mutants.

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1 Morphological alterations of the brain in Sox2β-geo/ΔENH mutants.
Morphological alterations of the brain in Sox2β-geo/ΔENH mutants. (A) Dorsal view of wild-type (top) and mutant (bottom) brains. The shrinkage of the medial-posterior cortex is particularly visible in this mutant. (B-F) Coronal sections through adult forebrain of a normal (top) and a mutant (bottom) mouse. Sections were matched between normal and mutant brains on the basis of the correspondence of characteristic anatomical landmarks (hippocampus, thalamic nuclei and fibre tracts). Left, anteriormost; right, posteriormost. Asterisk indicates thalamic nuclei (see Fig. 2F). Black circle, dorsal striatum; white circle, septum; arrowhead and arrow in E, corpus callosum. Black arrow in F-H marks the diminished extension of the cortex. (G-I) Coronal sections at E14.5 (G,H) and P0 (I) of normal (top) and mutant (bottom) brains. Note, in G and H, the ventricles of the mutant are normal, and the thalamus and striatum sizes are essentially normal, in contrast to the reduced cortex (particularly visible in H). Anna L. M. Ferri et al. Development 2004;131: © 2004.

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