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Published byNyla Berkes Modified over 10 years ago
® IBM Software Group © 2006 IBM Corporation How to create Popup Pages using EGL/JSF This Learning Module shows how to utilize the RBDe tooling to create Popup pages. The tutorial explains how to pass parameters to and from Popup pages, as well as create a Popup page with pure JavaScript.
2 Pop-Up Pages It is a very common requirement to have to want to, upon some event on a page: 1. Open a Popup window, 2. Allow the user to select some value from that window and 3. Return the value to the calling (parent) window. There are various ways of doing Pop-ups, and well show you three: Using the Panel-Dialog control Using a page launched via JavaScript Opening a window in a new frame From a parent page allow users to click a link that opens a popup child page – where users select a value that is returned to a parent page control Click to open a popup page Click to return a value to the parent page Requirements
3 Creating and Utilizing Pop-Up Pages Using the JSF Panel-Dialog Component You can use the JSF Panel-Dialog component to create (or actually) to simulate Pop- up pages. The Panel-Dialog: Is a component placed on your parent page Is initially hidden (typically) – and then rendered upon some event, which you have full control over Uses (has access to) all of the data on your parent page Creates a pop-up page effect Which allows you a lot of visual (U.I.) control – including: –Placement –.CSS –Etc. Can be placed under AJAX control And can utilize your parent pages preRender functionality Can realize the following use cases: Show data in a pop-up Pass selected parameters back to the parent page data Be passed parameters from the parent page –As existing values on the form –Through AJAX (preRender) functionality Follow the steps on the next set of slides to try this simple approach to pop-up pages.
4 Creating and Utilizing Pop-Up Pages Using the JSF Panel-Dialog Component Create a new web page called tabDialogPage.jsp Copy/Paste the code in the notes section into the page code (Theres not really anything in the logic that should be new…so...) Save (Ctrl/S) the EGL JSFHandler code Return to Page Designer, and from Page Data select and drag customer onto the Page – as an input record From the Palette select and drag three submit buttons on the page as shown From each buttons Properties: Their JSF IDs should be: –Button1 –Button2 –Button3 Change the Display –Button label – as shown
5 Using the JSF Panel-Dialog Component – Static Data From the Parent Page Using the JSF Panel-Dialog Component – Static Data From the Parent Page From the Palette select and drag a Panel – Dialog component, below the customer record. It will create a small control that looks like this Customize the control as follows: orders From Page Data, drag and drop the orders array on top of the new control CustomerID Select some (not all) of the Orders columns as fields (be sure to select the CustomerID column) With the Panel Dialog control selected, from the Properties view, specify the following: Button1 Show the dialog by clicking: Button1 relativetextCustomerID1 Position the dialog horizontally and vertically relative to: textCustomerID1 Msg From Display options, specify the Msg field (from the EGL Handler) for the title bar
6 Using the JSF Panel-Dialog Component – Static Data From the Parent Page Using the JSF Panel-Dialog Component – Static Data From the Parent Page Run the page Click the Show Orders For This Customer submit button Wow… However – this is only one use case scenario (Pop-ups based on static data). Lets check out a few other things we can do with the Panel-Dialog component
7 Using the JSF Panel-Dialog Component – Returning Data to the Parent Page Using the JSF Panel-Dialog Component – Returning Data to the Parent Page From the Palette select and drag another Panel – Dialog component, below the first component Customize the control as follows: customers From Page Data, drag and drop the customers array on top of the new control Select some (not all) of the customer columns as fields With the Panel Dialog control selected, from the Properties view, specify the following: Button2 Show the dialog by clicking: Button2 Position the dialog horizontally centered and vertically in the middle of the page From Display options, type in a title bar literal: Please select a customer from the list Select the dataTable, and from its Properties: Add a Border: 1 From Display options: Specify Alternate row colors (by deleting the ColumnClass) From Row Actions: Add an action thats performed when a row is clicked Submit the entire form (bottom radio button selection) selCust() From All Attributes, bind the action property to the selCust() EGL function
8 Using the JSF Panel-Dialog Component – Returning Data to the Parent Page Using the JSF Panel-Dialog Component – Returning Data to the Parent Page Run the page Click Select a Customer Lets do one more of these (like the above), then well move on to the final use case
9 Using the JSF Panel-Dialog Component – Returning Data to the Parent Page Using the JSF Panel-Dialog Component – Returning Data to the Parent Page From the Palette select and drag another Panel – Dialog component, below the second component Customize the control as follows: states From Page Data, drag and drop the states array on top of the new control StateName Select the StateName field Create StateName as an output control With the Panel Dialog control selected, from the Properties view, specify the following: Button3 Show the dialog by clicking: Button3 Modeless Make the Pop-up Modeless Position the dialog horizontally right and vertically at the bottom of the page From Display options, type in a title bar literal: Please Select a State Select the dataTable, and from its Properties: Add a Border: 1 Make the dataTable Width: 200 PX From Display options: Specify Alternate row colors (by deleting the ColumnClass) Specify 400 px – as the Height of a scrollable area From Row Actions: Add an action thats performed when a row is clicked Submit the entire form (bottom radio button selection) selState() From All Attributes, bind the action property to the selState() EGL function
10 Using the JSF Panel-Dialog Component – Returning Data to the Parent Page Using the JSF Panel-Dialog Component – Returning Data to the Parent Page Run the page. Click Get State Abbreviation. Also, try moving the Pop-up window around. Equate F4 with a button click Note that you could: 1.Select the entire form 2.From Properties: Add an action assigned to a keystroke
11 Using the JSF Panel-Dialog Component – Using AJAX for Dynamic Content – 1 of 4 Using the JSF Panel-Dialog Component – Using AJAX for Dynamic Content – 1 of 4 Note – this technique is similar to the topic: OPTIONAL WORKSHOP – Use Request From a dataTable Row-Click – previously presented in this course. If you havent done that workshop, you might consider doing – or at least reviewing it before starting in on this workshop. customers2 From Page Data select and drag customers2 onto the page, and create a dataTable control with some of the customer columns as fields From the Palette drag a hidden input field into the customerId column From Properties - name the field: custH … as the JSF Id From Properties - name the field: custH … as the JSF Id Bind its value to: the CustomerID column in the customers2 array Bind its value to: the CustomerID column in the customers2 array –You can see a picture of ths, on the next slide From the Palette select and drag another Panel – Dialog component, below the third component (or really, anywhere on the page) Customize the control as follows: orders2 From Page Data, drag and drop the orders2 array on top of the new control Select some of the fields With the Panel Dialog control selected, from the Properties view, specify the following: DO NOT SELECT A FIELD TO SHOW THE DIALOG (well use AJAX for that) Position the dialog relative to: textCustomerId3 Orders For Selected Customer From Display options, type in a title bar literal: Orders For Selected Customer Select the orders2 dataTable, and from its Properties: Add a Border: 1 From Display options: Specify Alternate row colors (by deleting the ColumnClass)
12 Using the JSF Panel-Dialog Component – Using AJAX for Dynamic Content – 2 of 4 Using the JSF Panel-Dialog Component – Using AJAX for Dynamic Content – 2 of 4 Select the dataTables CustomerID column. Then double-click an Enhanced Faces Link component. Do not specify a URL With the Link component selected – from Quick Edit Select the onclick event Check Use pre-defined behavior. Select Multiple Actions – and define two actions: Invoke Ajax behavior on dialog4 Show the specified tag dialog4 See Slide Notes: For an explanation of whats happening behind the scenes
13 Using the JSF Panel-Dialog Component – Using AJAX for Dynamic Content – 3 of 4 Using the JSF Panel-Dialog Component – Using AJAX for Dynamic Content – 3 of 4 Select the dialog4 (Panel-Dialog you just added to the page). From its Properties Select the Ajax sub property Check: Allow Ajax updates and Type of update: Refresh Click the Click to edit Ajax request properties icon $$AJAXROW$$form1:tableEx4:custH Click Add Parameter – and add the following string: $$AJAXROW$$form1:tableEx4:custH See Slide Notes
14 Using the JSF Panel-Dialog Component – Using AJAX for Dynamic Content – 4 of 4 Using the JSF Panel-Dialog Component – Using AJAX for Dynamic Content – 4 of 4 Run the page. Click one of the rows in the dataTable (for a customer with orders)
15 Creating and Utilizing Pop-Up Pages (JavaScript) – 1 of 4 Create a new web page called parentPage.jsp Copy/Paste the code in the notes section into the page code (Theres not really anything in the logic that should be new…so...) Save (Ctrl/S) the EGL JSFHandler code Return to Page Designer, and from Page Data, select and drag rec onto the Page Create inputField as an input field Create outPutField as an output field Customize the Submit Button (Options…) as shown in the screen capture From the \WebContent\images\ directory Drag: popupPage.jpg onto the field From Page Data, select and drag the moveValue() function on top of the Submit Button to bind it Your page should look something like this No need to fret over getting the U.I. exact. Whats important in this workshop is coming up on the next slide…
16 Create a Popup JavaScript Function – 2 of 4 image Select the popupPage image in Page Designer, and from QuickEdit, select the onclick event. Add the following JavaScript statement: my_window ='http://localhost:9080/EGLWeb/faces/childPage.jsp',"myWin",'scrollbars=no,width=190,height=385,top=20,left=550'); Lets dissect this – as you may have to modify it declare a JavaScript variable for a command that opens a new browser (window) http://localhost: my computer http://localhost 9080 The port on my computer WebSphere is listening on, for TCP/IP commands. NOTE NOTE – this value must match the URL you see when you run your pages. If your port is: 9081 – make this # 9081. If youre running Tomcat, make this # Tomcats Port (typically, 8080) EGLWeb/faces/ my projects root directory in WebSphere, and the /faces/ subdirectory where WebSphere finds the faces listener program childPage.jsp The popup page youre about to create myWin a variable for the window name – that you can refer to (say if you want to close the popup page, from the parent page!) Scrollbars=no Dont add scrollbars to the popup window (you can change this if you want to see what it does) Width how wide to make the popup window in the browser Height how tall to make the popup window in the browser Top how far down (in pixels) from the top of the screen to position the top left corner of the popup window Left how far to the right (in pixels) to position the left border of the popup window
17 Creating and Utilizing Pop-Up Pages – 3 of 4 Now Create a new web page called childPage.jsp Copy/Paste the EGL code in this slides Notes into the JSFHandler Save (Ctrl/S) From Page Designer. Drag the customer array onto the page Specify as (read-only) Select only the FirstName and LastName columns to display. In the dataTable - Select the LastName field From Enhanced Faces Components - Double click on a link Specify the following URL: parentPage.faces
18 Creating and Utilizing Pop-Up Pages – 4 of 4 With the LastName field (and the link) still selected, click the QuickEdit tab Select the onclick event and add the code in the notes to the text area This JavaScript basically: 1.Defines a variable for the browser type, as different browsers have different interpretations of JavaScript 2.Defines a variable for the selected rows LastName value (conditionally, based on browser type) 3.Returns this value to the window that opened me – and its textInputField1 JSF variable. Note that this is the fully-qualified name ( form1:textinputField1 ) JSF id of the input field
19 Creating and Utilizing Pop-Up Pages – Run ParentPage
20 (OPTIONAL) Modal Pop-Up Pages You can modify the previous example to make the child page modal (meaning the user MUST close the pop-up, before continuing to work from the parent page) by doing the following: 1.(from within the source of parentPage.jsp) find the function that invokes the childPage and: Copy/paste the line current line that invokes the child page then comment out the original In the new line, change: window.showModalDialog Add a line to value: textInputField1 with the returned value from the popup 2.(from within the source code of childPage.jsp) – find the function that returns, and: Comment out the existing return line Add the two lines shown here 3. From Page Designer, select the link, and remove the URL Property 4. Run the page on the server, and test the Modal Popup
21 (Optional Lab) Another Popup Page Scenario In your real life projects, you may need to pass parameters to pop-up pages. In this example, you will do just that, using a session variable. The steps begin on the next slide 1. Click a row and pass an OrderAmount value to… 2. A popup page that opens showing all Orders greater than the value passed from the clicked row in the parent page 3. Click a row in the popup page, and return a selected value to the parent page
22 1. Create a New Parent Page Lets create the pages you saw on the previous slide. In this example, you will pass parameters from a parent to a popup page using a session variable. Create a new web page called parentPage2.jsp Change the default header text. Here is an example of what you might want to say about the pages functionality
23 2. parentPage JSFHandler Code Copy the code in the Notes section of the slide, and replace the boilerplate JSF Handler code. Note the following: onConstruction() orders The onConstruction() function populates the orders array. getCustForOrderFunc The getCustForOrderFunc () utilizes JSF Component tree API calls to determine which row of the data table you clicked. You add 1 to the row index since Java arrays are 0 based. oamt You then set a session variable to be identified by oamt. This session variable holds the clicked rows OrderAmount value The page is then forwarded to childPage2 which we will be creating shortly. childPage2 will open in a new (popup) window Ctrl/S Save ( Ctrl/S ) your code
24 3. Design the Page Drag the orders item onto the page. Display an existing record (read-only) Columns to display (only check these columns) –OrderId –CustomerId –OrderAmount –OrderDate Drag the custName item onto the page underneath the orders array. From Options… do not add submit or delete buttons to the page Your page should look like this
25 3. Add Row Action Event to the Page Select the dataTable in its entirety (click any column in the dataTable, then press the up arrow key twice). Then… Properties 1. Go to the Properties tab, select Row actions. 2. Click: Add an action thats performed when a row is clicked 3. In the small configure window that pops up, select: Clicking the row submits the form to the server. Parameters have to be set manually. Click: OK 1. 2. 3.
26 3. Finish the parentPage U.I. Development A new column should now appear in the dataTable: getCustForOrderFunc() Drag the getCustForOrderFunc() onto the chain link located in the newly created column. We must now add functionality in order to get a pop-up page: custName Click anywhere in the form (the dotted line box most likely surrounding the dataTable and custName input field) Properties/All Attributes Select the Properties/All Attributes tab. targetNew Window Find the target attribute, and select: New Window All Attributes
27 1. Create a new page Create a new Web Page and call it childPage2.jsp Add the header text seen in this image Lets examine the page This page contains a dataTable with two columns. Last_Name The Last_Name column is a link which fires a small piece of javascript code.
28 2. JSFHandler Code Copy the code in the Notes section of the slide, and replace the boilerplate JSF Handler code. Note the following: The onConstruction() function retrieves the session variable passed to it by the parent page. It then populates the custOrders array with a custom sql statement which retrieves the Last_name and Order_Amount for rows where: Orders.Order_Amount > :ordAmt ordAmt is the value passed in from the parentPage The statement then displays the rows returned in descending Order_Amount, within ascending Last_Name SQL question order by 1, 3 Why order by 1, 3
29 3. Design the Page Drag the custOrders item onto the page Display an existing record (read-only) Columns to display: (only check these columns) –Last_Name –Order_Amount Select the Last_Name variable on the page From the Enhanced Faces Components drawer, double-click a Do NOT specify a URL for this link With the link and Last_Name variable selected Go to the QuickEdit tab onclick Select onclick Add the code in the notes section as shown below.
30 Run On Server Run parentPage2 on Server. Notice you can click any row in the parent page The child page pops up displaying only rows with Order_Amount >= to the one you clicked. Clicking a Last_name closes the pop-up, and populates the CustName field on parentPage2.
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