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NHS-Private Partnership A response to Carter

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1 NHS-Private Partnership A response to Carter
Sumara Parvez- Head of Pharmacy- SWFT Andrew Williams- Responsible Pharmacist- SWFTCS

2 Background South Warwickshire NHS FT- set up its own Wholly Owned Subsidiary in 2011 The subsidiary is referred to as South Warwickshire Foundation Trust- Clinical Services (SWFT-CS) In set an outpatient pharmacy service at Warwick site recruiting staff from retail In commenced management of estates & second pharmacy- Stratford site

3 Previous service via outpatients
Dispensing of Out-patient prescriptions M-F working to match clinic times TTOs for 6 wards local to outpatient pharmacy OTC and Pharmacy Medicines , Smoking Cessation , Shoe fitting

4 2018 Carter Hospital Pharmacy Transformation plans produced
Review of “infrastructure activity” Contract review for outpatient pharmacy service due New Head of Pharmacy at SWFT New Finance Director role at SWFT-CS

5 New Pharmacy service All TTOs via SWFTC- under new contract
Clinical screening via SWFT with dispensing at SWFT Enabler-IT Exemptions: legal- VAT rules Some community hospitals Logistics Phased Roll out Near completion

6 Benefits Reduction in dispensing activity
outsourced approx.150 TTO items per day Re-deployment of staff into patient facing roles from Dispensary

7 Benefits Help with stretch on ward based activity
increased our ward-based technician input by 2.8 WTE at B4 & 0.5 WTE at B5 pre-rollout- approx. 73% of in patient worked turned around within agreed time. This has increased to 96% Critical meds/missed doses reduction? anecdotal feedback that the wards generally like SWFTCS dispensing TTOs- due to locality and a simpler Controlled Drug supply

8 Future Plans Increased ward presence to allow embedding into MDT- with focus on: increased counselling involvement in discharge process- release nursing time Focus on one start of patient journey Proactive not Reactive Data collection using shared tracker system TTO turnaround data is still not verifiable and being worked through

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