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(A) The types of costs that were included in the analysis, and (B) the types of costs that were not included (modified from Torrance et al27). *Indicates.

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Presentation on theme: "(A) The types of costs that were included in the analysis, and (B) the types of costs that were not included (modified from Torrance et al27). *Indicates."— Presentation transcript:

1 (A) The types of costs that were included in the analysis, and (B) the types of costs that were not included (modified from Torrance et al27). *Indicates that the service is paid by the patient, but partially reimbursed by the National Danish Health insuran... (A) The types of costs that were included in the analysis, and (B) the types of costs that were not included (modified from Torrance et al27). *Indicates that the service is paid by the patient, but partially reimbursed by the National Danish Health insurance. CAM, complementary and alternative medicine; ER, emergency room; GP, general practitioner. Mette Jensen Stochkendahl et al. Open Heart 2016;3:e000334 ©2016 by British Cardiovascular Society

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