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Period One Vocab.

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1 Period One Vocab

2 Partisan : (n) a weapon having a blade with lateral projections mounted on the end of a long shaft; one who exhibits extreme or blind allegiance to a group. Ex: “Clubs, bills, and partisans! Strike! Beat them down!”

3 (adj.): very destructive or harmful, deadly, baneful, detrimental
Pernicious (adj.): very destructive or harmful, deadly, baneful, detrimental Ex: “What ho! You men, you beasts, That quench the fire of your pernicious rage With purple fountains issuing from your veins!”

4 (adj) secret, concealed, stealthy
COvert (adj) secret, concealed, stealthy (n) a thicket in which game (hunted animals) can hide Ex: “Toward him I made; but he was ware of me And stole into the covert of the wood”

5 (n) a sign or forewarning; omen, warning
Portent (n) a sign or forewarning; omen, warning (adj) momentous, having great significance Ex: “Black and portentous must this humor prove Unless good counsel may the cause remove”

6 Galling: (adj) very irritating, vexing, bitter
Galling/Gall Galling: (adj) very irritating, vexing, bitter Gall: (n) bile, an irritant, something bitter “What is it else? A madness most discreet, A choking gall, and a preserving sweet”

7 Accord: (n) Agreement, state of harmony, concur
Accord/According Accord: (n) Agreement, state of harmony, concur According (adj): Harmonious, agreeable “An she agree, within her scope of choice, Lies my consent and fair according voice.”

8 (adj) immoral or (n) someone who is immoral
Wanton (adj) immoral or (n) someone who is immoral “Let wantons light of heart Tickle the senseless rushes with their heels”

9 (adj) having excellent morals, righteous, ethical, noble
Virtuous (adj) having excellent morals, righteous, ethical, noble “He bears him like a portly gentleman And to say truth, Verona brags of him To be a virtuous and well-govern’d youth”

10 Disparage/Disparagement
Disparage: (v) to degrade, speak of someone or something in a derogatory manner, to belittle Disparagement: (n) the act of disparaging, something that casts a bad light “I would not for the wealth of all this town Here in my house do him some disparagement”

11 This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:
Profane (v) showing contempt toward sacred things; to violate, desecrate, or defame “If I profane with my unworthiest hand This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss”

12 Swashing Hard downward strokes (usually using a sword)

13 Prodigious Monstrous, foretelling misfortune

14 Tetchy Bad tempered and irritable

15 Esteem Respect and admiration

16 Fleer To mock

17 Ambuscadoes Ambushes

18 Valiant Possessing or showing courage or determination

19 Fortnight Period of two weeks

20 Augmenting Increasing or enlarging

21 Importuned Questioned deeply

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