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ENGLISH I (H) SYLLABUS Mrs. Courtney Milam

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1 ENGLISH I (H) 2017-2018 SYLLABUS Mrs. Courtney Milam
SYLLABUS My purpose in this class is to help you improve your writing and reading skills so that you can connect, create, collaborate, and communicate effectively in our world once you leave high school. Planner 3-Ring Binder (1.5 – 2 Inches) Multiple Packs of Loose-Leaf Highlighters/Colored Pens Pencils/Pens Flash Drive 1 box of Kleenex for classroom Personal copies of novels, if possible Small stapler for personal use Markers/Colored Pencils Scissors Online Textbook Activation Code: McDougal Littell 9th Work not completed and turned in by the assigned date is considered late. If a student is absent on the date work is due, the assignment is due the first day the student returns to school. For every day the assignment is late, 10% will be deducted from your total grade. Any handouts you need will be placed in the “When You Were Out” folder or can be printed from Moodle. It is YOUR responsibility to check Moodle, the makeup folder, with a classmate, and/or with me, and turn your work in within the amount of days which you were absent. (EX: If your 3-day absence is excused, you have 3 full days to turn in makeup work.) If your absence is unexcused, the work cannot be made up until it is deemed excused by the front office. be PROMPT be PREPARED be POLITE be PRODUCTIVE be POSITIVE Warning/One-on-One Parent Contact & Minute Detention Written Referral TOTAL # OF POINTS= 900 CLASSWORK 80% Errands During Class– Running errands – to the bathroom, office, locker, etc. – during class is not suggested as it is important for you to remain in class at all times. However, I understand that emergencies occur. Each student will be provided with 3 passes per quarter. Once your passes are gone for the quarter, you will not be allowed to leave the classroom again, so use them wisely. If you arrive to class early, drop off your things, and run an errand, but do not return until after the tardy bell has rung, EXPECT TO BE MARKED TARDY and/or USE ONE OF YOUR PASSES. Beginning of Class – While I am taking roll for class, you are either unpacking your materials for class or completing a bellringer (information for both will be on the board). Sometimes you’ll do both; at other times, you will not have a bellringer. EXAM 20% 1ST Nine Weeks – The Most Dangerous Game 2nd Nine Weeks – Romeo & Juliet 3rd Nine Weeks – The Odyssey 4th Nine Weeks – Fahrenheit 451 EXTRA UNIT: Autobiography

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