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External Environment Economic forces Global competition

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Presentation on theme: "External Environment Economic forces Global competition"— Presentation transcript:

1 External Environment Economic forces Global competition
Technology and re-engineering Education crisis Demographic trends Government regulation

2 Importance of the Legal Environment
Doing the right thing Responsibilities of HR and Legal Departments EEO and Affirmative Action

3 Laws Affecting Discriminatory Practices
Early laws Civil Rights Law & 1871 Federal laws Equal pay act of Equal pay for equal work Title VII of 1964 Civil Rights Act - Prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, or national origin

4 Illegal Discrimination
Disparate Impact -- Intentional discrimination which occurs when individuals are treated differently because of membership in a protected class Adverse Impact -- Unintentional discrimination. This occurs when the equal application of an employment standard has a negative effect on on or more protected classes.

5 Evidence for Disparate Treatment
Prima Facie Evidence 1. Person is a member of a protected class. 2. Person applied for job for which he/she is qualified. 3. Person is rejected,. 4. Organization continues to seek other applicants with similar qualifications

6 Data for Prima Facie Cases
Hiring Data: The percent of minorities hired to the percent of majorities hired Ex. Minorities hired = 50, Minority applicants =100, Percent hired = 50 Majorities hired = 75, Majority applicants = 100, Percent hired =75. Ratio of minorities to majorities = 50/75 This is a ratio of actual impact.

7 Data for Prima Facie Cases
Labor Market Data: This is a comparison of potential impact. It compares percent of potentially hirable minorities to the percent of potentially hirable majorities Ex. 5,000 qualified minorities/10,000 all minorities in labor market (50%) compared to 20,000 qualified majorities/25,000 all minorities in labor market (80%) {50/80}

8 Data for Prima Facie Cases
Population and Company Data -- A comparison of the workforce to the population. 50 minorities in the company workforce/500 in total company workforce (10%) compared to 15,000 minorities in local population of 60,000 (25%) [10/25]. This ratio says nothing about abilities.

9 The Four-Fifths Rule This rule states that the hiring rate for protected classes which is less than 80% of unprotected classes is evidence of adverse impact. Ex. 50 % of all white males who apply are hired. Then by the four-fifths rule 40% of any protected class needs to be hired to avoid charges of adverse impact. (.50 X .80 = .40). If only 25% of the black males who apply are hired, then there is prima facie evidence of adverse impact.

10 Defense of Discrimination
Bona Fide Occupational Qualification Job relatedness Seniority

11 Backwards & Forwards Summing up: We began by examining the external environment that affects HRM functions. Then we focused specifically on the legal environment; distinguishing between EEO and affirmative action, detailing Title 7 of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, considering disparate and adverse impact, the 4/5 rule and defense of discrimination. Next time: We continue our legal studies with the Civil Rights Act of 1991, several executive orders and selected cases and principles.

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