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] a cooker 0 a sh.ower There ·s1are ··· - am - - Ia sofa ....·- C7

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1 ] a cooker 0 a sh.ower There ·s1are ··· - am - - Ia sofa ....·- C7
LIVING ROOM oe ERl'S There ·s1are ··· . -··- t I. ten to Robert d and is Rooms and fumfture • There islare • Prepositions Directions ' )lea . 1·vt·n g room. T S.) I . g h•S I . describlJl h' description. comP(ete is STARTER g room ·i sn 't ve ry big, but ' 'MY l iv1n t Th ere's a n old sofa, a nd ·1t 's grea . I Do you live in a house or a flat? Do you have a garden or a ba lcony? Tell the class. 1 th i n k mch a i rs. 's a ta b l e re are two a r W• don't IYvs •gartUlt, lxit w•!lava •big '1alcorry. th· h a TV and a DVD p l ayer on it. 2 T 8.1 Look at the picture.Listen and repeat the rooms of a house. liriltg l'tl0l11, diliing room .• • wi a lso a P l ayStation®. I love a l l the There som e books, and a re a lot of pictu res and posters games. Bathroom -on_t_h_e wal l s. two la m ps. My room's not very t idy but it's real ly comfortable.' - 2 Talk about Robert's living rom. Thg ra's an old sofa. Thar• ara two arm cha rs.i 4 Ask and answer qi1r s. ja n s·abottt Robert's Ir. ng room = I I - am a TV photographs a desk a telephone lamps a DVD player a PlayStatio lstllu& a TV? r---- Ye s:.tiicr& is.. I a sofa armchairs a DVD player a table books lamps posters a PlayStation• • • ) T 8.4 Listen and repeat the questions and answers. Na,ltlu1aru"t. Is there a sofa? Is there a desk? Are there any armchairs? Are there any photographs? ./ Yes, there is. )( No, there isn't. ./ Yes, there are. 5 Look aga i n :i.t Roben's li"\'ing room . Is it tidy? T 8.5 Listen to Robc!l1 t:i lki ng to his mother. - l \'/bat th in s in his fu.t does - )( No, there aren't. she ask a.bout? \Vh:i.t are her questioru? \'/hen do.:s she "'-a n t to visit? Practise them with a partner. 14 :i the things in the house W ·r h 9 a bed ] a cooker Ia sofa ri e t e numbers. Complete the sentences. Positive There's a sofa. 0 a TV 0 a table a fridge 0 a sh.ower 0 a lamp D a picture 0 a magazine 0 a DVD p layer 0 a laptop 0 a desk O --- two armchairs. a toilet Listen and repeat. Where I live an armcha ir a TV? Are there any pict ures7 Look at T 8.5 on p117. Practise the conversation with :i. partner. 6 \\"ork with a partner. Describe your living room. Htgatlve There Isn't a computer. .... Gramm.a. n..1_ _ _ _ _ any photograph .... _ In '"Y Jivl"g room tllu•· a ··· Thar• ar•a Jot or ··· ....·- C7

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