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Senior English 2/17/15 How do you plan to make your scene entertaining without changing the tone and meaning of the play? Why can’t the bank keep a secret?

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Presentation on theme: "Senior English 2/17/15 How do you plan to make your scene entertaining without changing the tone and meaning of the play? Why can’t the bank keep a secret?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior English 2/17/15 How do you plan to make your scene entertaining without changing the tone and meaning of the play? Why can’t the bank keep a secret? Gardyloo – Archaic warning cry made when waste water was tossed out the window. Goals – Rehearse your scene to get more comfortable reading and dramatizing your scene. Homework – Make necessary revisions and prepare a final draft of your scene to give to me. Begin study of week 21 words, prepare for retake final tomorrow. Because there are too many tellers.

2 Senior English 2/18/15 Write on a topic of your choice.
What did one wall say to the other? Golter-yeded gawpsheet – old English insult, the meaning has been lost. Goals – Turn in scripts. Final rehearsal of scenes. Homework – Finalize revisions prepare for your reading. Meet you at the corner.

3 Senior English 2/19/15 After you have been working with either the Feminist or Psychoanalytic lens, How does it affect your interpretation of the play? How many Amish does it take to screw in a light bulb? Jobjam, dobdab – sounds like swearing but isn’t. Goals – Reading reheasing your scenes. Videos? Homework – Vocabulary #21 tomorrow. Analyze the case facts that will be the basis of your role in the Mock Trial. What is a light bulb

4 Senior English 2/20/15 Five minutes to prepare for vocab. #21.
What do you get when you cross a dyslexic agnostic with an insomniac? Lewdster – a lecher, one given to illegal pleasures. Goals – Complete vocabulary #21. Prepare for mock trial. Homework – Make sure you are prepared to enact your scene by Monday. Someone who lies wake at night wondering whether there is a dog.

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