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Online Presence and Offline Sales: Refining our Knowledge Base Charles Buchwalter, Vice President, Client Analytics iMedia Brand Summit, Bonita Springs.

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Presentation on theme: "Online Presence and Offline Sales: Refining our Knowledge Base Charles Buchwalter, Vice President, Client Analytics iMedia Brand Summit, Bonita Springs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Online Presence and Offline Sales: Refining our Knowledge Base Charles Buchwalter, Vice President, Client Analytics iMedia Brand Summit, Bonita Springs FL, February 10, 2004

2 Topics for Discussion Setting the Context –Onlines share of advertising and commerce Introducing Homescan Online –Integrating NetRatings and ACNielsen info –Consumer Direct Learnings To-Date Snickers Case Study – hot off the press! –Bottom line value of the Online Consumer Whats it all about, Alfie?

3 Which has led to attempts to link online to offline. Has led to attempts to link advertising and sales… Analysis of each market segment… Online Advertising Online Commerce Offline Commerce TV, Radio, Magazine Advertising & Direct Mail Advertising and Commerce:

4 Change in Onlines Share Advertising shares courtesy of Jupiter Research. Commerce shares from Nielsen//NetRatings Analytics.

5 The Genesis of Homescan Online Purchase Information Surfing Information

6 Why Track Buying Behavior of the Internet Consumer? Source: Nielsen//NetRatings @Plan Fall 2003, (Home & Work) Highly Educated High Income HHs HHs with Kids Nearly 40% Make $75K+ Index Against US: 118 53% Hold College Degree/Post Grad Index Against US: 119 41% Reside in HHs with Children Index Against US: 107

7 Homescan Online Product Status Panel approximately 14,000 households and growing Megapanel recruitment includes Homescan Online –Recruiting will be online, providing a higher opt-in rate and a significantly larger sample size –Projected panel size: 30,000 Initial availability: Q1 2004

8 Homescan Online Case Study:

9 Advertising Lifts Mars Brands Audience Audience (000) Impressions (000) Source: Nielsen//NetRatings NetView and AdRelevance, US Data, Combined Home & Work

10 Snickers Q3 & Q4 Ads Focus on Hungriest Player Campaign Driving traffic was the goal of 98% of Snickers impressions during Q3 & Q4 2003 Source: Nielsen//NetRatings AdRelevance, Q4 2003

11 Snickers Hungriest Player Boosts Audience and Registration 450k UV in 10/03 – a record high 44% of site audience registered 45% of site audience voted –required entering a code from inside a Snickers wrapper 82% male. Males aged 25-34 comprised 33% of audience, and indexed at 429 Source: Nielsen//NetRatings NetView, US Data, Combined Home & Work, October 2003

12 Visitors to were twice as likely to purchase Snickers % of HHs buying 52% Source: Q4 2003 Homescan Online Surfing Behavior linked to 2003 ACNielsen Homescan Panel Purchasing Behavior 26%

13 On average, visitors to spent more on candy, and over twice as much on Snickers Source: Q4 2003 Homescan Online Surfing Behavior linked to 2003 ACNielsen Homescan Panel Purchasing Behavior 38 28 6.9 3.1

14 Generally, visitors to were more likely to visit any given site, indicating they are more active on the web % visiting site 88 73 84 63 81 56 83 60 Source: Q4 2003 Homescan Online Surfing Behavior linked to 2003 ACNielsen Homescan Panel Purchasing Behavior

15 ACNielsens Consumer Direct Leverage the power of the Internet through the industry leading capabilities of Yahoo! and ACNielsen Homescan –Yahoo!: Acknowledged leader in developing web-based marketing solutions –ACNielsen Homescan: The Authority on Consumer Behavior A media program that incorporates: –Sophisticated & efficient targeting –Evaluation that delivers actionable insights

16 Consumer Direct Learnings All campaigns have shown positive sales lift Improvements between those exposed and not exposed have ranged from 4% to 24% Campaigns have shown strong A&U results Many A&U metrics have displayed statistically significant gains (awareness, purchase intent, equity metrics, etc,) Sales lifts have aligned with A&U results Saturation curves for exposure frequency have leveled off at between 2-8 exposures

17 Whats it all about? Online user shopping behavior is of increasing interest to large advertisers –Moving beyond age/income/demos In the case of Snickers: –Expected: visitors bought more candy than other online users –Not that expected: visitors appear to be more active Web users Expanding our knowledge of online behavior –Click stream behavior is good to know –Sales behavior is great to know

18 206-576-3528 Thank you

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