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Tone and mood OBJECTIVES: What is Tone? What is Mood?

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Presentation on theme: "Tone and mood OBJECTIVES: What is Tone? What is Mood?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tone and mood OBJECTIVES: What is Tone? What is Mood?
How are Tone and Mood Effective in Writing? Tone and mood

2 Video Clip: Tone vs Mood

3 The Author’s TONE (AKA ATTITUDE)
___________________ ___________________ feelings and emotions

4 Tone attitude WHAT IS TONE?
_________________ is the author’s _______________________ toward the writing (his characters, the situation) and the readers. A work of writing can have more than one tone. An example of tone could be both serious and humorous. Tone is set by the setting, choice of vocabulary and other details. The tone is INFERRED by the author’s diction. attitude

5 Tone examples: Lamenting (Sad) Jubilant Livid (Happy) (Outraged)
Awed Ambivalent (Impressed) (Undecided)

6 MOOD MY ________ feelings and emotions

7 WHAT IS MOOD? Mood ________________ is the general atmosphere created by the author’s words. It is the feeling the reader gets from reading those words. It may be the same, or it may change from situation to situation.

8 Words That Describe Mood:
Fanciful Melancholy Frightening Mysterious Frustrating Romantic Gloomy Sentimental Happy Sorrowful Joyful Suspenseful

9 What is the Mood? In the next six slides, try to guess the mood that the image creates.

10 MOOD/_________________
Frightened, scared

11 MOOD/_____________ Cheerful, excited

12 MOOD/____________ Content, happy

13 MOOD/_________________
Frustrated, upset

14 Tone vs mood examples: Tone Mood confident content wounded depressed
uncertain embarrassed clever intelligent optimistic peaceful suspicious doubtful light-hearted cheerful enthusiastic passionate resentful bitter smug satisfied

15 Video Clip n5VwA

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