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What is Anthropology?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Anthropology?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Anthropology?

2 Anthropology Recap: What is Anthropology?
Anthropology is the study of humans through time- from past to present Anthropology looks at how things have changed from one time to the other

3 Why Study Anthropology?
To promote understanding of each other and learn about the diverse cultures that are present It makes people more aware of differences so that they are not afraid of it!

4 Examples of career opportunities
Anthropologist Program Analyst for immigration policies, international development, environmental protection, cultural heritage and education programs, etc. Public Policy Adviser International Development Officer Consultant Academic Researcher Researcher for media productions, organizational publications, etc. Community development adviser Immigration Officer

5 Anthropology and Cultural Norms
A cultural norm are acceptable expectations that are set and passed down in a group/family or society It is the “normal” as defined by a group Deviation or disobedience of the norm = isolation or sanction (punishment)

6 Let’s take a look at Anthropology in Action
Anthropology can look at how things that were once “normal” in society has changed over time Example 1: Gender Norms How have “acting” male or female changed over time Why? Marriage customs (when traditional and Canadian customs mix) The Why and the How

7 Common Cultural Norms Gender as we discussed is a cultural norm
We are taught acceptable behaviour depending on being a boy or a girl Or biological parts determine in some cultures and societies how we will be treated and unfortunately defines our destiny  Women as burdens/Men = economic gain

8 Anthropology and Social Change
Major area of study: how change comes to cultural groups Internal factors Invention  new product or idea External factors Diffusion  spread of a cultural idea through social contact (migration, war) Acculturation process of contact, exposure and exchange of ideas = adaptation in both groups

9 Imagine a time when…

10 Vs.

11 To….


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