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DASUM Panel. Peter Brusilovsky It is all about architectures! It doesnt matter if it is centralized or decentralized Some form of standardization is essential:

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Presentation on theme: "DASUM Panel. Peter Brusilovsky It is all about architectures! It doesnt matter if it is centralized or decentralized Some form of standardization is essential:"— Presentation transcript:

1 DASUM Panel

2 Peter Brusilovsky It is all about architectures! It doesnt matter if it is centralized or decentralized Some form of standardization is essential: protocols and ontologies Lets move beyond concepts and start implementing Would be good to have this WS at AH2006

3 Nadja de Carolis Agent-based architectures for UM – why focus on them? Agents are autonomous, communication protocols and languages exist. If you build a personal agent to support you, it has to be able to communicate with the environment and other agents Everyone ought to be able to built his own ontology. Instead of using the same ontology, develop a protocol for negotiation of concepts Trust in other user modellers, no need to understand the way other agents model users

4 Keith Cheverst More work on the usability issues ought to be done now before focusing too deep on the ontological issues: building prototypes, e.g. of scrutable user models Starting with simple applications one can discover what users will be willing to accept and what cost-benefit tradeoffs should be made

5 Roy Wilson Where does social modelling fit here? A lot of the work in technical fields is done for technical reasons, avoiding the complexities of the real problem and lacks the ability to capture more complexity in greater depth ML approaches alone cant capture individual preferences

6 Gord McCalla A central user model is not possible for any given application – why even try to maintain one big consistent user model? Local is good - agents are local, they are process- oriented. Local agents process the data they have for their purpose in the context they are with the constraints at the moment There are tradeoffs between computing on demand from raw information and pre-computing data, both are needed, it depends on the purpose – what is raw data anyway? The purpose is important Need for communication language, ontology and shared protocol Global – bad, Local – good; Proceduralism – good, Declarativism – bad Negotiated meaning will be crucial

7 Dominik Heckmann Do not take Decentralized out of the picture (to Peter Brusilovsky) Semantic web is very relevant; the same problems Protocols are needed Scrutability and inspectability Virtual world of representatives of physical objects in mob-ubi environments

8 Marcus Specht Aggregation of user data: to what extend should be a core question Good example scenarios are needed for social modelling

9 Next workshop User modelling architectures for decentralized web-based applications Decentralized architectures for web-based user modelling Just user modelling or also agent modelling, and application modelling? At which conference? –AH&H –Agents (AAMAS) –Pervasive Community? Book of special issue of UMUAI?

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