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Presentation on theme: "WAYS TO ORGANIZE YOUR PARAGRAPH"— Presentation transcript:

Compare and Contrast Cause/Effect Sequence Problem and Solution

2 Compare and contrast You can write a paragraph
Comparing and Contrasting information or Telling the reader how it is the SAME and DIFFERENT

3 Example: Compare and contrast
You can write a paragraph Comparing and Contrasting information or Telling the reader how it is the SAME and DIFFERENT Example: The Hammerhead Shark is much different than the Great White Shark. The Hammerhead shark has a long slender head, with wide set eyes. While the Great White Shark, has a more round and narrow head and is much bigger. They eat different foods too. The Great White Shark feeds on seals, whereas the Hammerhead shark prefers stingrays, groupers, and catfish.

4 Example: Cause and Effect One event causes another event to happen.
CAUSE: tells WHY something happens EFFECT: tells WHAT happened Example: John ran toward school. He had overslept because his alarm clock had not gone off. He didn't see the bus. He must've missed it due to sleeping late. He had to walk to school since his parents weren't home. "They must've already left for work," John thought. Since he had to walk, it took Emilio twice as long as usual to arrive at school. When he finally reached his destination, John realized it was Saturday!

5 Example: Sequence Information is ordered First Next Then Finally
I love to go apple picking every year! First, I drive to an apple orchard with my family. Then, I get a bag and start looking for some trees full of apples! When I find a good tree, my dad helps me reach the ones way up high. My dad, mom, brother, and I spend a lot of time finding the biggest red apples we can find. I like to eat a juicy apple as I fill up my bag. After we have collected all the apples we can fit into our large bag, it’s time to leave the orchard. We pay for our apples and we also buy some delicious apple cider! Finally, we drive home to make some tasty apple crisp and applesauce. What a fun day!

6 Example: Problem Solutions
Problem and Solution Example: Coral Reefs are in danger. We must take steps to save them. Volunteer for coral reef clean up. Do not litter because that pollutes our oceans. Never touch coral reefs while snorkeling and don’t forget to spread the word of coral reef protection. Problem Solutions


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