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Yasuhiro Sugimoto KEK Feb.4, 2008

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1 Yasuhiro Sugimoto KEK Feb.4, 2008
B field and RVTX Yasuhiro Sugimoto KEK Feb.4, 2008

2 Baseline design for LOI
Agreement in a phone meeting Two configurations 5 single layers 3 doublets Same inner and outer radii (Rout=60mm) |cosq|=0.95 for inner three layers and outer two layers have same length as the 3ed layer |cosq|=0.95 for inner two doubles and outer doublet has the same length as the 2nd doublet

3 Pair background simulation
Generator: CAIN Crossing angle: 14 mrad B-field: 3, 3.5, and 4T Machine parameters: Nominal option in 2005 2005 parameter Recent parameter* Beta function at IP bx (m) 2.1e-2 2.0e-2 Beta function at IP by (m) 4.0e-4 4.0e-2 Beam size at IP sx (m) 6.55e-7 6.4e-7 Beam size at IP sy (m) 5.7e-9 Disruption parameter Dx 1.62e-1 1.7e-1 Disruption parameter Dy 1.85e+1 1.91+1 Beamstrahlung parameter Uave 0.046 0.047 Beamstrahlung power Pbeamstrahlung (W) 2.48e+5 2.4e+5 Number of beamstrahlung photons Ng 1.257 1.29 * Talk by Andrei Seryi at SiD Workshop at SLAC, Jan. 2008

4 Distribution of p.b. core

5 Design criteria Pair background core should not hit the beam pipe
Somewhat realistic assumption for the gaps and spaces (G1, G2, L1, L2)

6 Results Assumption Minimum radius G1 = 2 mm
G2 = 4 mm (core-pipe:2mm and pipe-ladder:2mm) L1 = 5 mm L2 = 20 mm Minimum radius 3 T 3.5 T 4 T R1 (mm) 12 11 10.5 Z1 (mm) 45 42 40 R2 (mm) 17 16 15 Z2 (mm) 76 72 68

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