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Transforming vision into reality Nehemiah 4

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Presentation on theme: "Transforming vision into reality Nehemiah 4"— Presentation transcript:

1 Transforming vision into reality Nehemiah 4

2 How can our lives fulfil the purposes that God has for us?

3 1. Redeeming the rubble We can allow the past to limit our future (Neh 4:10) God can use the rubble of our past to rebuild our future Is anything from the past holding you back? If so, what? Identify a step can you take to address this ‘rubble’

4 2. Overcoming opposition
External opposition Ridicule (vs. 1-3) Threats (v 11) Internal opposition Exhaustion (v 10) Discouragement (v 10) Fear (v 12)


6 2. Overcoming opposition
External opposition Ridicule (vs. 1-3) Threats (v 9) Internal opposition Exhaustion (v 10) Discouragement (v 10) Fear (v 12) What opposition are you facing at the moment? What will help you overcome and use this in a positive way?

7 Identify a small, practical step of faith to attempt this week?
3. Faith for the future Remember God  ‘He is great and awesome’ (v 14) Trust (v 20) Pray  constantly & dependently Act  faith without actions is dead Identify a small, practical step of faith to attempt this week?

8 What’s your response? Is there some rubble from your past that you need to address? What opposition is in your life at the moment? How are you dealing with this? What step of faith can you take this week?

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