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What is the CLIMATE of your CLUB?

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Presentation on theme: "What is the CLIMATE of your CLUB?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the CLIMATE of your CLUB?
AREA MEETING 2016 What is the CLIMATE of your CLUB? Start by asking people to start by thinking of the climate of their club

2 What is CLUB CLIMATE? Conditions in your club that affect our members lives/activities Conditions that affect our club operations Conditions that affect our attitudes V I B E S Does the CLIMATE of our CLUB attract new members?

3 Importance of GOOD CLIMATE?
Influences positive performance Growth of current membership = NEW MEMBERS Success of service projects and fundraisers A camaraderie that is contagious!

4 How do CLUBS create GOOD Climate?
Club leadership sets a good example and always make a good impression Meetings start and end on time Members are greeted, called by name, and thanked on a regular basis Meetings are engaging and interesting Mentors are available to new members

5 How do CLUBS create GOOD Climate?
Club leadership is always supportive and open to new ideas Recognize achievements of the club/members Communicate effectively and in a timely manner with all members Be considerate Deal with conflict immediately

6 Model CLUB Checklist Are club meetings well organized, productive, run on time, focused on mission and goals, planned with an exciting theme/speaker? Do members receive invites, reminders and consistent communication? Does the club have a strategic plan? Does the club recognize club achievements?

7 Model CLUB Checklist Introduce a ZI Moment each meeting?
Invite guests to meetings and projects? Assign Mentors to new members and have an orientation? Get members involved in committees and service/fundraising projects Attend Area Meetings, District Conference and International Convention?

8 Is it time for a CLIMATE Check-up?
How do you KNOW what your Club CLIMATE is? The best indication of your Club CLIMATE is to do what? A S K!! Survey Monkey is the Answer! Next we will review how to set up a SURVEY…

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