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Warm-up #4 What were some major disagreements at the Constitutional Convention? Do you think that the Constitution solved the weaknesses of the Articles.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up #4 What were some major disagreements at the Constitutional Convention? Do you think that the Constitution solved the weaknesses of the Articles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up #4 What were some major disagreements at the Constitutional Convention? Do you think that the Constitution solved the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation? Why?

2 Correct 4.3 Questions 1a. Why did the Confederation Congress call for a Constitutional Convention? They called the Constitutional Convention to improve the Articles of Confederation. 2a. What was the Great Compromise? The Great Compromise was an agreement that created a two-part legislature. 2b. How did state issues lead to debate over structure of the central government? States argued about how to balance state and federal power this caused them to argue about what the national government should and should not be able to do; leading to the creation federalism in the USA. 3a. What was the debate between North and South over counting slave populations? Northern states wanted to count enslaved people as part of the population for taxing purposes only. Southern states wanted to count enslaved people in determining representation in legislature only.

3 Correct 4.3 Questions 3b. How did delegates’ views differ on the issue of the foreign slave trade? Some delegates wanted to ban the slave trade while others it should continue because it was in their economic interests. Some southern states even threatened to leave the union if the slave trade was limited. 4a. Why did the framers of the Constitution create a system of checks and balances? The framers created a system of checks and balances to keep any one part of the government from becoming too powerful. 4b. Did the Constitution resolve the weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation? Explain your answer. Yes, the Constitution resolved the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation by creating a new, three-branch, government that had more power than the government created under the Articles of Confederation while keeping some important powers with the states.

4 5. copy the chart. Use it to identify the problems that led to the Great Compromise and Three-Fifths Compromise, what conflicting ideas were proposed, and the eventual solution that created the compromise. Great Compromise Three-Fifths Compromise Problem How many representatives each state should have in the legislature. How to count enslaved people in the censes. Conflicting ideas - Large states want representation based on population. - Small states want a equal number of representatives for all states. North – count enslaved people for taxes only. South – Count enslaved people for representation only. Solution Two-house legislature: * House of Representatives- representation based on population * Senate – two representatives each. Count 3/5ths of enslaved person for both taxation and representation.

5 Chapter 8 worksheet Follow the directions on you worksheet.
Use chapter 8 of the History Alive (brown) book to find your answers.

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