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Finding Respect and Honor at Home

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Presentation on theme: "Finding Respect and Honor at Home"— Presentation transcript:

1 Finding Respect and Honor at Home
Session 2 Finding Respect and Honor at Home 

2 A Man’s Role as the Spiritual Leader of His Home (Ephesians 5:25)
The three “offices” of a man in his role as the spiritual leader of his wife and family are… The family prophet. The family priest. The family king, which means to lead, protect, and provide.

3 Three Myths That Make Men Miserable
Myth 1: “To succeed means to have a dynamic career.”

4 Three Myths That Make Men Miserable
Myth 1: “To succeed means to have a dynamic career.” Truth 1: Work alone cannot produce a success that matters (Eccl. 2:4-11).

5 Three Myths That Make Men Miserable
Myth 2: “I’m doing this for my family.” Truth 2: What our families really want is more of us.


7 Three Myths That Make Men Miserable
Myth 3: “Money will solve my problems.” Truth 3: Once we earn above a certain level, money creates more problems than it solves (Eccl. 5:10-12).

8 THE BIG IDEA: No amount of success at work can compensate for failure at home.

9 The Greatest Need of Our Children (Colossians 3:21)
1. The greatest need children have of their fathers is encouragement.

10 The Greatest Need of Our Children (Colossians 3:21)
How do we tend to discourage our children? A lack of structure Overindulgence  Spoiled Too much structure Overly harsh  Rebellious

11 The Greatest Need of Our Children (Colossians 3:21)
The tendency is to provide too much structure where there should be freedom, and too much freedom where there should be structure.

12 How can we “encourage” our children?
Spend time with them.

13 How can we “encourage” our children?
Spend time with them. If you do not have enough time for your children, you can be 100% certain you are not following God’s will for your life.

14 How can we “encourage” our children?
Spend time with them. Prioritize everything you do based on who will be crying at your funeral.

15 How can we “encourage” our children?
Spend time with them. The best way to give time to your kids is the way in which they want to receive it.

16 How can we “encourage” our children?
Spend time with them. Encourage them with words. Regularly tell your children: “I love you!” and, “I’m proud of you!” (Matthew 3:17)

17 How can we “encourage” our children?
Spend time with them. Encourage them with words. Regularly tell your children “I love you!” and “I’m proud of you!” Pray for them regularly.

18 Finding Respect and Honor at Home
Session 2 Finding Respect and Honor at Home  Discussion Questions

19 So What? Now What What is a concrete step you will take as a result of what you heard in this session?

20 Finding Respect and Honor at Home
Session 2 Finding Respect and Honor at Home  Conclusion See you tomorrow!

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