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—ROC curves for each simple test compared with NCS (gold standard) plotting the sensitivity versus 1-specificity (the false-positive rate) for different.

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Presentation on theme: "—ROC curves for each simple test compared with NCS (gold standard) plotting the sensitivity versus 1-specificity (the false-positive rate) for different."— Presentation transcript:

1 —ROC curves for each simple test compared with NCS (gold standard) plotting the sensitivity versus 1-specificity (the false-positive rate) for different test cutoff points. —ROC curves for each simple test compared with NCS (gold standard) plotting the sensitivity versus 1-specificity (the false-positive rate) for different test cutoff points. The AUC values are for the cutoff points listed in Table 3 (values derived from multiple linear regression modeling). Bruce A. Perkins et al. Dia Care 2001;24: ©2001 by American Diabetes Association

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