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Published byΦερενίκη Διαμαντόπουλος Modified over 5 years ago
Exchange of best practices for cost-effective marine measures including guidance for financing opportunities under the EMFF Exchange of views on co-financing opportunities Under Framework contract ENV.D.2/FRA/2012/0025 MSCG 13 May 2014 Brussels Veronique Adriaenssens Jeroen Klooster
Agenda MSFD co-financing scan MSFD link Operational Programmes
Co-financing Guidance outline Reflection and discussion
MSFD co-financing scan
Funding opportunities taken into account: EU, regional conventions and IFIs
Issues identified: Funding priorities Relevance for MSFD implementation in general and per type of measure Financing criteria Relevant regions and target groups Available budget General time schemes Approach
Results General overview funding potential.
Selection (coloured) of most relevant funding options, approved by COM, based on: MSFD content Available budget EU type of funding Per fund: Matching funding priorities with MSFD types of measures Stepping stone for co-financing guidance document, to be drafted in the next few months. Results
Funding opportunities: relevance for MSFD
Priority areas: Article 6 (1): Promoting a sustainable and resource efficient fisheries and aquaculture, focusing on: (a) reduction of the impact of fisheries on the marine environment; (b) protection and restoration of aquatic biodiversity and ecosystems; (c) enhancement of ecosystems related to aquaculture and promotion of resource efficient aquaculture; (d) promotion of aquaculture with high level of environmental protection and of animal health and welfare and of public health and safety. EMFF
EMFF Available resources: Types of measures funded, e.g.:
Shared management: €5.800 mio. Direct management: €1.000 mio. The max. EMFF contribution rate is 75% of the eligible public expenditure, min. is 20%. Types of measures funded, e.g.: Art 35: …support to conservation measures under MSFD…; Art 36: …Innovation linked to the conservation of marine biological resources…; Art 37: … investments in equipment to limit the impact of fishing on the marine environment…; Art 38: …Protection and restoration of marine biodiversity and ecosystems in the framework of sustainable fishing activities…; Art 41: …Investments in facilities for waste and marine litter collection in ports…; Art 79 (c): …knowledge on the state of the marine environment to establish monitoring and POMs in MSFD… EMFF
Regional Funds (ERDF / CF)
Priority areas: Supporting Research and Innovation: technological and applied research (fishery/maritime sector). Addressing the significant needs for investment in the waste and water sectors to meet the requirements of the environmental acquis and beyond. Protecting biodiversity, soil protection and promoting ecosystem services including NATURA 2000 and green infrastructures. Developing and improving environmentally-friendly and low-carbon transport systems, including maritime transport and ports. Enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders. Available budget: € 185,4 bn. (ERDF) and € 68.7 bn. (CF) Regional Funds (ERDF / CF)
Priority areas: Water: implementation of MSFD programme of measures. Waste: implementation and development of Union waste legislation Nature: improving the conservation status of habitats and species, including marine habitats and species Information, communication and awareness raising campaigns effective control process as well as measures to promote compliance in relation to Union environmental legislation, and in support of information systems and information tools on the implementation of Union environmental legislation. LIFE
LIFE Available resources: Subprogramme Environment € 2.592 mn.
At least 55 % dedicated to projects supporting the conservation of nature and biodiversity. A maximum of 30 % may be allocated to integrated projects. These integrated projects, while focusing on the themes identified, should be multi-purpose delivery mechanisms (e.g. aiming at environmental benefits and capacity-building) that make it possible to achieve results in other policy areas, in particular the marine environment in accordance with the objectives of Directive 2008/56/EC (MSFD) LIFE
Horizon 2020 Priority areas: 2014:
valuing and mining marine biodiversity, offshore initiatives sub-sea technologies improving ocean observation systems/technologies including novel monitoring systems for in-situ observations acoustic and imaging technologies 2015: preservation and sustainable exploitation of marine ecosystems climate change effects on marine living resources. Response to oil spill and maritime pollution.. Horizon 2020
Horizon 2020 Available resources:
Blue Growth indicative budget: €100 million from the 2014 budget, and €45 million from the 2015 budget. In total, Horizon 2020 is worth nearly €80 billion over seven years. Horizon 2020
MSFD link Operational Programmes Regional Funds and EMFF
July 31, 2019 In order to secure future co-financing of MSFD measures by EMFF and Regional Funds: First focus on MSFD links for EMFF and Regional Funds Operational Programmes. Then DG ENV can advice MS concerning incorporating MSFD content in these OPs. LIFE and Horizon 2020 open calls, no OPs This presentation: focus on the EMFF Based on “Draft template and guidelines on the content of the EMFF operational programme ” (version of ) Why?
Draft template and. guidelines on the content of the
Draft template and guidelines on the content of the EMFF operational programme Chapter 1: contains overview of items in the Partnership Agreement, associated TOs and EMFF specific objectives and the outcome of the ex-ante evaluation Chapter 2: contains the identification of needs for which co-funding by EMFF is planned Chapter 3: description of the OP strategy, including objectives, proposed measures and indicators. Also complementarity with other ESI-funds is addressed here Chapter 4: requirements concerning specific measures, including needs of natura2000 areas and technical assistance
EMFF intervention logic: Thematic objectives and Specific Objectives
EMFF Intervention Logic: Union Priorities, Thematic Objectives (common strategic framework) and EMFF Specific Objectives are linked to specific EMFF articles. For MSFD this means specifically one or more of the following thematic and specific objectives should be in the EMFF OP (see next slide):
MSFD important links (1)
Chapter 1 - Introduction Partnership Agreement : if relevant Thematic Objectives and/or EMFF Specific Objectives for MSFD have been included. Chapter 1.2 Ex-ante evaluation Ex-ante evaluation: are MSFD-items included properly? Chapter 2.1 SWOT/Indentification of needs Identification of needs: have MSFD needs been included, relating to pressures/descriptors and potential other needs (e.g. concerning capacity building)? MSFD important links (1)
MSFD important links(2)
Chapter 3.1 – 3.3 Description of OP strategy Fitting of MSFD in overall OP strategy: Have MSFD measures been selected, relating to the most relevant TOs and Specific Objectives? Suggestions for measures, relating to MSFD pressures/descriptors and/or PoM are available. Refer to next slide. Result and output indicators of relevant MSFD measures should be selected from a pre-defined list. MSFD important links(2)
MSFD important links(3)
Chapter 4,1 – Marine N2000 needs what way has this been taken care of in the proposed MSFD measures? Chapter 4.7 Technical assistance Technical Assistance: This relates specifically to Articles 78/79 of the EMFF. For some MS this is a crucial element in order to be able to implement MSFD. MSFD important links(3)
MSFD further links (1) Chapter 8.2 EMFF contribution and co-financing
Costs of measures: Rough estimate of proposed MSFD measures should be available. Chapter 3.4 Possibilities of multiple ESI funding Co-funding: How much can be co-funded by the MS themselves, taking into account EMFF-co funding rates and other (ESI) sources of funding. MSFD further links (1)
MSFD further links (2) Chapter 13 Data collection
Data collection: What MSFD related data is necessary, based on the needs identified? And how will these data be stored and managed? Chapter 14 Financial instruments Financial instruments: e.g. an 'economic incentive' type of measure (taxes, premiums). If so, measures and amounts should be specified. MSFD further links (2)
Co-financing Guidance Outline
Setting up the guidance structure Questions to be answered
Starting point (1): review of previous, relevant guidance documents Starting point (2): questions to be answered by guidance document > practical ‘what and how’: What funding options are relevant? Which conditions do I have to meet? How, where and when can a proposal be submitted? What is the maximum amount of co-financing? How to apply for co-financing with integrated projects? What time lines do apply? Which formalities must be met? First draft 1 June Setting up the guidance structure Questions to be answered
Reflection and discussion
EMFF Related legislation & guidance; http://ec. europa
Common indicators in the EMFF Protection and restoration of marine biodiversity and ecosystems EMFF operational programme template and guidance EMFF intervention logic Guidance on EMFF specific ex-ante conditionalities Guidance on Strategic Environmental Assessment
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