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Station #1 – Mineral and Rock ID

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1 Station #1 – Mineral and Rock ID
At station 1 you will do several test on a mineral and use a flow chart to identify the mineral. You will then classify 2 rocks as either Sedimentary, Igneous orMetamorphic and give one characteristic that made you chose that group.

2 Luster- the mineral will either have metallic luster or non- metallic luster

3 Cleavage or fracture? Regular straight sides or sheets- cleavage
Irregular sides- fracture

4 Streak- The minerals powder when rubbed across the streak plate will either be colored or colorless/white

5 Hardness- If the mineral scratches the glass plate- hard
If it does not- soft

6 Igneous Characteristics: Crystals Glassy texture
Vesicular (air pockets)

7 Sedimentary Characteristics: Sediments Fossils Layers

8 Metamorphic Characteristics: Banding Foliated (flaky)

9 Station 2- Locating and Epicenter
You will need to use the reference table chart to determine the distance to an epicenter from a seismogram and locate the epicenter using a compass

10 Step 1 You will be given a distance to the epicenter. Use you compass to draw the correct circle on the map. Given- Distance from ES City to epicenter- 500km

11 ES CITY Will already be drawn

12 Step 3 Use seismogram to determine the time difference between p-wave arrival and s-wave arrive- record in booklet

13 Use your reference tables to determine how far the station is from epicenter

14 Place x where all three meet!!!
Again- draw the circle for station c Place x where all three meet!!! ES CITY c Will already be drawn

15 Constructing an Ellipse
At this station you will construct an ellipse, measure the length of it and calculate the eccentricity. You will then compare the eccentricity of your ellipse to that of a given planet.

E=d/L d is distance between foci L is the length of ellipse E needs to be between 0 (circle) and 1(line) Therefore, divide the small # by the big # The closer you are to 0, the more circular!!!!! Decimal place is important Tenth- one # after decimal or 4.0 Thousandth-3 #’s after the decimal or 2.100

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