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Presentation on theme: "THE GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY"— Presentation transcript:

Planning Study Final Report

2 Recommended Goal Immediately move forward with a capital campaign, with an internal working goal of $3 million. Finalize the building plans, and involve church members in decisions about what spaces will be included.

3 Methodology Church and donor database analysis
Conversations with key leaders to expand the prospect list beyond database analysis 35 personal interviews were completed 34 electronic surveys returned

4 Key Criteria How strong is the case for the campaign and is its dramatic and emotional appeal sufficient to merit and win financial support? What is the perception regarding the campaign plan and vision of Holy Trinity’s leadership and do they run parallel to the views of Holy Trinity’s supporters? How strong is the governance structure and will Church members follow Parish Council and Building Committee leadership into a campaign of this magnitude? What type of financial support can Holy Trinity expect for this capital campaign initiative?

5 Key Criteria Who are the potential sources for major gifts and at what levels can Holy Trinity anticipate their participation? What cultivation and stewardship strategies need to take place to position the church for a capital campaign? Who are the potential volunteer leaders for the campaign and do they possess the financial capacity, commitment, and influence necessary to bring about success? What is the proper timing, strategy, and action plan for the campaign? What must be done to assure the success of the campaign?

6 Strengths & Attributes
The faith of our members is the nucleus of our church. Orthodox denomination – we are a very spiritual church. Father Ari and his leadership. Heritage – we have deep roots and a strong bond. Our forefathers worked hard to build a strong foundation for this church. Now, it’s our turn to do the same for future generations.

7 electronic survey responses combined.
Findings What is your overall perception of Holy Trinity? This chart represents personal interview and electronic survey responses combined. 93% of those interviewed and surveyed rated their response as excellent, above average, or average, indicating a favorable response rate.

8 Representative responses include:
A great church, community and priest. We are a very social community - this keeps us together. Overall = excellent. Building = lower than poor. Spiritually = we are excellent. People willing to work = we are barely average. We need more ministry growth, which a new building will help with. It’s hard to get people to volunteer.

9 electronic survey responses combined.
Findings What is your level of confidence in the leadership? This chart represents personal interview and electronic survey responses combined. 71% of those interviewed and surveyed rated their response as very high or high, indicating a favorable response rate.

10 Representative responses include:
Parish Council is a very tough job. We have to remember they are volunteers who give so much of their time. Our volunteer leadership needs to be more proactive. It's the same people - need new blood. They are very involved. This is the best Parish Council we have had in a long time. We need younger leadership. We need people who have specific skills, like accounting, marketing, community action.

11 Findings How interested are you in the future of Holy Trinity?
This chart represents the personal interviews only. 95% of those interviewed rated their response as very or moderately, indicating a very favorable response rate.

12 electronic survey responses combined.
Findings How important is it for Holy Trinity to address its space issues in order to better serve its members and the entire community? This chart represents personal interview and electronic survey responses combined. 98% of those interviewed and surveyed rated their response as extremely important, very important, or important, indicating a very favorable response rate.

13 This chart represents personal interviews only.
Findings 54% of those interviewed said they would be willing to serve or would consider serving in a campaign leadership position. 14 respondents said they would accept a leadership position. 5 respondents said they might accept a leadership position. This chart represents personal interviews only.  54% of those interviewed rated their response as yes or maybe, indicating a very favorable response rate.

14 electronic survey responses combined.
Findings Would you consider supporting the campaign financially with a personal gift by means of a three-year commitment above your usual giving to Holy Trinity? This chart represents personal interview and electronic survey responses combined.  93% of those interviewed and surveyed rated their response as yes or maybe, indicating a very favorable response rate.

15 This chart represents personal interviews only.
Findings How high does/would this project rate among your philanthropic priorities? This chart represents personal interviews only. 86% of those interviewed rated their response as high or medium, indicating a favorable response rate.

16 electronic survey responses combined.
Findings If you were asked to consider a three-year pledge above your annual giving, is there a category below that might reflect the size of gift you would be willing to consider as part of the campaign? This table represents personal interview and electronic survey responses combined.

17 Analysis There is overwhelming support for moving forward with a capital campaign. Church members indicate they will stretch in their giving. Financial transparency is critical regarding how the building will be funded and what spaces will be included in the new Greek Orthodox Center.

18 Analysis Involvement by church leadership will be critical to success of the campaign. $3 million goal appears to be achievable.

19 Recommendations – p. 1 Immediately move forward with a capital campaign, with an internal working goal of $3 million. Finalize the building plans, and involve church members in decisions about what spaces will be included. Share financial projections for how the building will be funded with all church members via small group meetings.

20 Recommendations – p. 2 Send an executive summary of the planning study report (prepared by the Winkler Group) to all Holy Trinity members and supporters. Begin cultivation of leadership donors immediately in conjunction with the planning phase of the campaign.

21 1036 eWall St. Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 (p) (f) (toll free)


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