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Practitioners Course Level 2
Diploma in Ayurveda Practitioners Course Level 2 Medicine class 30th May 2019
Tablets (Guti – Vati) It is a step ahead dosage form of choorna that has longer shelf life and more efficacy Easy to carry and consume Powders of ingredients (herbs/ bhasmas) are mixed with a liquid/ honey and made into tablets. Standardizing parameters - hardness, friability, disintegration time, Weight consistency Hardness - resistance to scratch or deformation Friability -the tendency to chip, crumble or break following compression Disintegration time – time taken to break into smaller pieced within the body. It has to be low so as to give fast benefit Weight consistency - to deliver the exact/ even dose
Guggulu- preparations with gugul
When gugul is added, they are named as guggulu Rasa- madhura, katu, tikta, kashaya Guna- laghu, tikshna, snigdha, pichchila, sukshma, sara Virya- usna Vipaka- katu Dosha karma- tridosha shamaka Various purification(shodhana) processes have been described to eliminate impurities and to improve bioavailability
Guggulu –Commiphora mukul
Guggul is the Niryaas ( exudate) that oozes from the stems or the trunk of the plant Commiphora mukul /wighitii Abundant in the deserts The Niryaas melts & comes out during the hot seasons (summers) whereas in the cold environment (winters) it oozes out through the cracks /torn skin trees Therefore it is collected in both the seasons There are various types Kanak Guggul is superior It has a specific odor Oily in consistency. New Guggul is specially used for the preparation of medicines
5 types according to color, 3 are for humans and 2 are in veterinary treatments
Practically 2 types- kana and bhainsa guggul Popular in treating wide range of disorders including NCDs like obesity, inflammatory conditions, joint pains, arthritis, tumors, coronary diseases, hypertension, liver disorder etc. Many of the effects have been scientifically proven Out of all effects, mainly two are highlighted -anti inflammatory and hypolipedemic
The active ingredient of gugul is Guggulsterone that has similar effects of steroids.
Administration of raw guggul can cause skin rashes, irregular menstruation, diarrhoea, headache, mild nausea Very high doses cause liver toxicity There are many traditional purification processes (Shodhana) to remove unwanted effects of raw guggul Purification reduces the gastric irritation
Purification of gugul Physical matters should be removed
It is dissolved in decoctions while heating. It is filtered through cloth and dried in hot sun. (Chanda Aatapa). Should mix with Ghee to prepare to soft mass. Guggulu is tied in a cloth and boiled in decoction till maximum portion dissolves. After cooling, the sediment part is to be collected Fry small pieces of Guggulu in cow’s ghee and dissolved in decoctions in dolayantra Immerse in Ghee for 7 nights.
Decoctions- guduchi triphala/dashamoola panchatikta nimba patra kwatha (decoction of neem leaves) haridra swarasa, haridra kwatha (turmeric) nirgundi patra swarasa, astishrinkala kwatha, vataraktahara dravya (pitta pacifying herbs) Cow’s Milk Cow’s urine Cow’s ghee Water
Properties and indications
Vata shamaka (pacify vata), vedana stapana (alleviates pain)-All kinds of vata disorders Dipana, pachana, yakrit uttejaka- stimulates liver Raktashodhana (blood purifier), vrana shodhana, ropana (clears and heals wounds)- all kinds of skin disorders, fistula Diuretic – UTI, calculi, urine retention, diabetes Fracture healing property- internally and externally Arthavajanana- produce periods
Yogaraja guggulu It is the king (raja) of yogas (preparations)
29 ingredients including triphala,trikatu, jeera dwaya, ajamoda etc. All ingredients are powdered and cooked in ghee Properties- tridoshaghna, rasayana It is considered as nectar (amruta) to the body as it is a rasayana preparation with many other properties Indrayav and Ativisha are responsible for Ushna, Teekshna and Sookshma properties Kutaki & Triphala give anuloman & malabhedan effects
The combination of vatashamak dravyas with amapachak ingredients helps the conditions like 'Sama Vata'. Ginger, long pepper, mustard, asafetida, Ajamoda, sweet flag etc give the agnideepana, amapachana , shoola prashamana and vatanulomana effects Works very effectively in joint disorders like Sandhigata Vata Yogaraj Guggul is specially beneficial in case of joint disorders with symptoms of 'Samavastha' of Sandhigata Vata.
Dosage and anupana Dosage- 1-2 tablets once or twice a day
Anupana- 11 different anupanas are mentioned in texts For practical use luke warm water garlic + black pepper + fenugreek boiled water cumin/ nigella seeds boiled water
Fenugreek seeds (Trigonella foenum)
Native to the Mediterranean, India, China, Northern Africa and the Ukraine widely cultivated in these countries Morocco, Turkey, India and China are the main producers Recorded information that dates back to ancient Egypt when it was mentioned as a plant to induce childbirth as well as an embalming agent
Synonyms Bahu patrika/ bahuparni- many leaves
Gandha beeja- aromatic seeds Dipani- kindles digestive power Bahu beeja- many seeds Pita beeja- yellow seeds Rasa- pungent Guna- light, oily Virya- hot Vipaka- pungent Vata shamaka, kapha nashaka
Properties and uses Anulomana Redirects flow of apana vata downwards. Good for flatulence and bloating Baddhavit - Cures constipation Balya Increases strength Medohara Regulates fat metabolism Rasayana Rejuvenative Gulma (phantom) tumor Arshas hemorrhoids
Ama pachana Clears toxins from the gut and corrects digestive power
Shukrala Rejuvenates reproductive system, enhances fertility Sthanyajanana, garbhashaya vishodhana- enhance breast milk, clears reproductive system (avoid excess during pregnancy specially in the 1st trimester) Sandhana, shothanashana- heals broken bones and fractures, cures swellings Pramehaghna - reduce blood sugar levels. Inhibits carbohydrate and cholesterol absorption. Therefore widely used in cooking specially starchy vegetables
Some simple remedies Diabetes, cholesterol, constipation
2 teasp Fenugreek seeds soak in a glass of water over night. Eat the seeds and drink water empty stomach. Diabetes, cholesterol 1 teasp roasted fenugreek powder as a tea- once a day at any time Diarrhoea chew ½ teasp seeds
Bloating, flatulence 2 teasp fenugreek seeds, 3 garlic cloves, boil in 1 cup of water for 5-10 minutes. Breast enlargement- olive oil, fenugreek seeds and nigella seeds Dandruff- lime and fenugreek boiled mixture Dry scalp- fenugreek paste (soak overnight and grind)
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
Rasa- pungent, bitter, sweet Guna- light, rough, sharp Virya- usna Vipaka- pungent Doshakarma- Kaphavatashamaka, pittawardhaka If sweet- pittashamaka Component in CHAG, CHBK, CHPK, Surya jam, surya tonic
2 types that make into quill
True cinnamon (Ceylon cinnamon) (Cinnamomum zeylanicum ) Chinese Cassia (cassia) (Cinnamomum aromaticum ) True cinnamon- Indigenous to Sri Lanka Thin and soft Less coumarin content (anticoagulant) No health risks pitta aggravation Can use twice more than false cinnamon (false cinnamon- highest dose gm/day. True cinnamon- up to 1 teasp/day
Cinnamon oil is extracted from all parts of the tree - bark, leaves, flowers, fruits and roots
Oil for tooth aches- soak a small ball of cotton with cinnamon oil and pushed into tooth cavity ear aches- use as an ear plug Put a warm drop of oil into ear (avoid in perforated ear drum) Good mosquito and insect repellent Oil burners/ candles Avoid excess in bleeding disorders
Dipana, pachana – due to bitter, pungent tastes and hot potency
Vatanulomana - liquefy and eliminate Kapha due to pungent , bitter tastes and rough, light , hot and penetrating qualities. Grahi -absorbs remaining kapha Lekhana (scraping), chedana (cutting), medohara (fat reducing)- obesity, menstrual disorders Disorders in mouth including toothaches, infections Urinary disorders Uterine disorders- specially strengthen uterine muscles
Respiratory disorders - Kapha accumulated in respiratory tract causes obstruction to the movement of udanavayu. Obstruction in the rasa channel prevents adequate nutrition of respiratory channel. Tvak removes obstruction in channels by eliminating phlegm. Cinnamic acid contained in it has an antitubercular activity. Hence, its powder or oil should be used in cough, asthma and tuberculosis
Being cardiac stimulant and oja increasing, it can be used in cardiac weakness, blood dyscrasias and infective diseases of the respiratory tract Blood purifier - It purifies blood due to its bitter taste and nourishes rasa, rakta due to its sweet taste
Some research findings..
Lowered blood glucose, reduced food intake, and improved lipid parameters Effective on urinary-tract infections (Escherichia coli bacteria) and the fungus responsible for vaginal yeast infections (Candida albicans). One-eighth of a teaspoon of cinnamon triples insulin efficiency Half teaspoon of cinnamon per day is said to lower cholesterol. It has an anti-clotting effect on the blood Arthritis pain Smelling cinnamon boosts cognitive function and memory. It is a great source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium.
Remedies Acidity, heart burn
½ teasp cinnamon powder boil in 1 cup of water for 5 minutes in low flame, strain and drink twice a day High cholesterol 1 teasp cinnamon powder 1 teasp fenugreek powder (roasted) Make a tea with 1 cup of boiling water. once a day Mouth freshener- chew a small piece of cinnamon Insect bites- apply a paste of cinnamon powder mixed with honey (equal amounts)
Pimples- three tablespoons of honey + 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder paste. Nausea and vomiting- keep a small piece of cinnamon in mouth Excess thirst – ½ teasp cinnamon powder or about 2inch piece of cinnamon 1 cup of water- boiled for 4-5 minutes and sip Cough, cold and flu- 2 teasp coriander seeds 3-4 slices fresh ginger, ½ teasp cinnamon powder, 2 cups water boil for 5-8 minutes, drink twice a day after meals
Ginger Zingiber officinale
Vishva bheshaja, vishva – universal medicine Pacify tridosha Acts on all seven dhatus Ingredient in CHAG, CHHW, CHPN, CHTL, CHPK, surya jam, soma jam, YRGO, CHGO, surya tonic
Pacify vata, increase pitta in excess
Raw ginger Dry ginger Synonyms Ardraka Shunti, nagara Rasa katu Guna Guru, tikshna, ruksha Laghu, snigdha Virya hot Hot (than raw ginger) vipaka Sweet Properties Pacify vata, increase pitta in excess Pacify kapha, increase pitta (than raw ginger) & heats the body Indications Digestive disorders, cough, cold, nausea, vomiting Bhedana – can cause diarrhoea, good for constipation Severe kapha conditions, Grahi- absorbent/ bowel binding. Good for IBS.
Properties and indications
Dipana, pachana- loss of appetite, bloating, nausea, vomiting, distaste in mouth, worm infestations Vatanulomana (redirects apana vata)- constipation Kaphaghna (destroys kapha)- all kinds of respiratory disorders, clears voice Induce sweating- relieves fever Stimulated heart- chest pain and other heart disorders Relieves pain(internally and externally) - migraines, abdominal pain, arthritis Rejuvenatior- all kinds of wasting disorders
Scientific evidences Rich in Manganese which is important for bones
Lowers blood sugar levels Reduces inflammation Alleviates PMS, acts as ibuprofen Helps to protect the body against free-radical damage (anti oxidant) Reduces nausea post-surgery and in cancer patients on chemo reduces the day-to-day progression of muscle pain Effective for osteoarthritis Reduces cholesterol or blood lipid levels
Contraindications Skin conditions specially pitta involves
Bleeding disorders Gastritis and sensitive stomach Burning sensation in the body UTI
Cardamom – Queen of spice- Elettaria Cardamomum
Ingredient of CHAG, CHTL, CHBK, CHPK, surya jam, soma jam, RSDT, chyavanaprash, YRGO, CHGO, surya tonic, DAM-D Two varieties greater cardamom- Amomum subulatum lesser cardamom- Elettaria cardamomum Cardamom reduces the acid in coffee, while neutralizing the effects of caffeine
Properties Rasa- pungent, sweet Guna- light, dry Virya – cold
Vipaka- pungent Effect on dosha- pacify kapha, vata
Properties and uses Diuretic- all kinds of disorders in urinary system
Swasa kasahara- respiratory disorders Kshayahara- wasting disorders specially tuberculosis Hridya- cardiac tonic. Strengthen cardiac muscles Rochana- improves taste Deepana, pachana Vatahara- alleviates vata- all kinds of vata disorders Pittahara- alleviates pitta- all types of pitta disorders, gastritis
Remedies Bad breath- chew few seeds Indigestion- chew few seeds
UTI/ urine retention- add ½ teasp cardamom powder into 1 glass of warm water and drink 1-2 times a day Gastritis crushed pods, boil in 1 cup of water for about 5-8 minutes in a closed jar Or ½ teasp powder with 1 teasp ghee or honey Bloating- hot infusion of 1 teasp of cardamom powder
Tamarind- Tamarindus indicus
amla/chincha/ tintidi, dantashata Rasa- sweet, sour Guna-heavy, dry Virya- usna Vipaka- sour Effect on dosha- kapha, vata shamaka Research findings- increases the bio-availability of Aspirin, enhance absorption of Ibuprofen, effects on lipid profile and high blood pressure
Raw fruits nasal bleeding, bleeding PR, heavy menstruation skin disorders,, abscesses increase vata, pitta Half ripen fruits bowel binding. Good for diarrhoea and IBS pacify kapha, vata Ripen fruits sara- induce mobility. Helps constipation Improves taste (ruchya) and agni Clears bladder Pacify kapha, vata
Remedies Spice soup Tamarind drink (tintidika pana)
1-2 tablespoons of pulp, 500 ml water, sugar and salt to taste. Dissolve all and bring up to the taste. Good for indigestion, constipation, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting Treatment for stye- roast a seed on a pan and crack the seed cover and take the pulp out. Grind with honey and apply on stye
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