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Pre-AP English II January 22, 2018

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1 Pre-AP English II January 22, 2018
In your journal, answer one of the following questions: Have you ever participated in or been the victim of gossip? Explain. What are the effects of gossip? Have you ever cheated in order to win a game, get a good grade on a test, or on anything else? If so, why do you think you did it? Why do people cheat?

2 Announcements Gatsby chapters 1-3 exam on Wednesday. 62 general knowledge (multiple choice) questions. 3 open response discussion questions. Membean test on Thursday. Benchmark test coming up on January 29th. This will be a full-scale STAAR EOC exam and will be given according to the same procedures.

3 The Great Gatsby – Chapter 3
What types of people come to Gatsby’s parties? How well do they know Gatsby? In chapter 3, there is a description of a chorus girl singing. Reread the entire passage, picturing the details of her performance in your mind. What is the author’s intended effect of this passage upon the reader? What about people saying about Gatsby? What, do you think, are the reasons for including so much detail about the preparations for the party and the various people who attend the party? How might these details affect how you see Gatsby? How do these details affect how you see the party guests?

4 The Great Gatsby – Chapter 3
Why is Nick so surprised to find that his conversation with a stranger is actually a conversation with Gatsby himself? Shouldn’t he at least know what his host looks like? Why do you think the party ends with the car crash involving the owl-eyed man? What does nick decide is behind Jordan’s “bored haughty face”? What more do you learn about Jordan? What could be the reason she says to Nick, “I hate careless people. That’s why I like you”? Do you believe her? What does Nick say about who is honest and who is not? Do you believe him? Why or why not? Why do you think Fitzgerald suspends our first meeting with Gatsby until chapter 3?

5 The Great Gatsby – Chapters 1-3 Exam Review
To prepare for your exam: Be sure that you are completely familiar with the following from our first reading: Primary characters: their traits, their histories, their activities, their relationships to one another Setting: both primary and secondary settings, descriptions of those settings, geography Plot: know the story, know what is happening Conflict: know what keeps the plot moving forward Detail: Fitzgerald uses A LOT of details, be sure that you understand them Symbol & Imagery: understand the imagery and symbolism present in these chapters Be sure that you understand the nuances of the story. You will be asked to make inferences and draw conclusions based on what you read. Look for deeper meaning. Be sure that you are prepared to answer any of the discussion questions on the worksheet you receive today. There will be one question from each chapter to answer.

6 It’s your choice…. Because of the short week last week, we did not get to discuss chapters 1-3 as thoroughly as I would’ve liked. I would like to offer you the following option for tomorrow: Instead of 30 minutes of Membean, take 15 minutes for Membean and allow some time for further discussion/questions before the exam. This means you will have to do 30 minutes outside of class this week—Thursday is a Membean test day. Would you rather do that, or take the 30 minutes for Membean as planned?

7 Homework Chapters 1-3 discussion questions.
Read supplemental notes for chapters 1-3. Available on Google Classroom or on my teacher page under the Gatsby resources page.

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