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Jamie Bargeman Research Unlocked 20th November 2018

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1 Jamie Bargeman Research Unlocked 20th November 2018
The role of supported internships in preparing young people with autism for the social aspects of adult life Jamie Bargeman Research Unlocked 20th November 2018

2 Support Internship Programme
Designed for young people with a learning disability who face significant barriers to getting a paid job and a sustainable career.  Study programme designed for young people with Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).  Based on employers' premises and support throughout the study programme is provided to both the young person and the employer through on site support team – tutor and job coaches Supported internships should lead to a job for the young person at the end of their programme and should meet a real business need for the employer.

3 Project SEARCH Model Fidelity
Sole definition of a successful outcome is competitive employment in an integrated setting for each intern Business-led with interns learning relevant marketable skills whilst immersed in the business True collaboration among partner agencies which includes businesses, schools/colleges, supported employment and families Interns experience total immersion in the workplace On-site support provided by a tutor and job coach Project SEARCH graduates receive effective follow-along services to retain employment

4 Aim of Research Project
My study looked at the uptake of social activities and opportunities to develop social skills of a defined group of Project SEARCH graduates with autism. A core factor of my research was to identify if there was an issue with the availability and quality of services.

5 Research Journey There have been huge improvements for young people in terms of meaningful life outcomes in the last 50 years SEND Code of Practice was introduced in 2014 and states that ‘with high aspirations, and the right support, the vast majority of children and young people can go on to achieve successful long-term outcomes in adult life’ (DfE / DoH, 2015) - further education / employment, independent living, community participation and health and wellbeing Research of Schalock et al defines the concept of QoL as ‘a multi-dimensional construction with core domains of emotional wellbeing, interpersonal relations, material well-being, personal development, physical well-being, self-determination, social inclusion, and human and legal rights’.

6 Research Journey Employment opens up opportunities to be less socially isolated and give more opportunities to practice and develop social skills. Achieving paid employment not only brings young people financial independence, but it can be central to building confidence and self-esteem, increasing health and well-being, and to gaining friendships and a social life. There are also benefits for the economy, employers, families, the local community and wider society (Supported Internships DfE 2017).

7 My study Data from two groups - service providers and consumers of services from Project SEARCH graduate group. Data was collected from both groups, via questionnaires and interviews. Outcome data was limited, however I was able to identify some key areas and start mapping uptake of existing and perceived gaps in the current provision and suggestion for future opportunities for this group.

8 My study Theme 1 – Availability and suitability of current services
Theme 2 – Knowing what’s out there Theme 3 – Accessing the currently available services Theme 4 – What services or support would you like to be offered?

9 Study Limitations Size of study group Services – limited availability
Comparative data Looking at potential influences – home background / support / ethnicity. Personal limitations – time available / positionality

10 My findings Limited availability of services – cuts to budgets. Since 2010, £259 million has been cut from youth service spending by councils. The support network that surrounds a young person continues to be central to them being able to access any type of social event or club. Do these young people feel the need or desire to participate socially?

11 Next steps / Recommendation for future research
Any future research project looking at this area would have to be considerably longer in length. Intervention would start earlier in life, building in support structures and earlier uptake of social at school. Starting when entering work too late? Possibility of developing new links in the workplace - mental health and wellbeing are high on employers agenda for all staff.

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