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Policies and Procedures

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Presentation on theme: "Policies and Procedures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Policies and Procedures
Reading with Ramsey Policies and Procedures

2 How to treat others at Lovinggood

3 How to be a successful student at Lovinggood

4 Materials Required reading material including an independent book
Agenda 3-Ring, 1-1/2 or 2 inch binder Paper, working pencils and pens (blue or black ink only) Zip Drive/Flash Drive Art Supplies – optional but helpful Sheet protectors and dividers - optional but helpful

5 Ways of Communication My blog – “Ramsey’s Renegades”
Use every day as a review, to print important resources and when absent. Address:

6 Tardiness & Locker Breaks
Locker Breaks – Top Locker/Bottom Locker rotation – see slide Anyone who is not silently making their way to their seat when the bell rings is considered tardy. Repeated tardiness can greatly affect your conduct grade as well as creating unnecessary disruptions to the class.


8 Make-up Work Make-up Work – It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the material missed whenever absent. The student will have the number of days absent plus ONE to complete and return any work that was missed.

9 Restrooms Homeroom, during lunch and as needed. I write ONE ‘RR’ pass per week. Students may not leave the room the first or last 10 minutes of class. Students should write the pass on the day they want to go in your agenda. Time the pass and bring to me for a signature. You must take your agenda. Please do not interrupt direct instruction to ask to go to the restroom.

10 Ramsey’s Requests Please sharpen pencils before class, and never while I am giving instructions. Hand sanitizer – the sole purpose of sanitizer is to clean your hands. If you are not responsible about using it, I will remove it from class. Do not get up out of your seat during instruction. All trash can be thrown away as you leave. Do not enter class until all students from the previous class have exited. Please line up along the lockers and wait to enter the class each day. DO NOT ENTER the class if I am not inside the room.

11 Group Work Always sit in your assigned seat number Stay on task
Use appropriate cooperative behaviors – do not interrupt, be sensitive to other’s feelings, etc. Collaborative discussions are part of the Common Core Standards and should be taken seriously. Grades earned in collaborative tasks will be given to each member of the group. Discussions and responsibilities should be shared equally.

12 When You Hear the Bell: B = Be Quiet E = Eyes on Speaker
L = Listen to Speaker L = Leave Hands Free and Still

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