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“It is my right to be uncommon

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1 “It is my right to be uncommon
“It is my right to be uncommon. For I do not choose to be a common man, If I can, I seek opportunity. I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the government look after me. I choose to take the calculated risk, to dream, to build, to fail or succeed. I choose not to barter incentive for a dole, I prefer the challenges of life to a guaranteed existence, the thrill of fulfillment to the state calm of Utopia. I will not trade my freedom for beneficence nor my dignity for a handout.”

2 Learning Objectives 1.9 analyze the dynamic between individualism and common good in contemporary societies 1.10 evaluate the extent to which personal identity should be shaped by ideologies.

3 Common Good? See hand out also

4 Criteria for Common Good
Actions and ideologies that will significantly advance the common good. benefit all members in society are sustainable over the long term consider all perspectives of the common good can be attainable.

5 30-1 In class assignment: Create a fictional society
Create a plausible description of a society which would be best for the common good of the people that live there. The account must reflect clearly the challenges and opportunities such a society would face. The account could take the form of a short story, a ballad, a comic strip or a dramatic script. Suggest that students first prepare a draft of their fictional account in the form of a rough copy, a storyboard or a mind map. Make sure that your fictional society: accurately reflects either individualism or collectivism or both. makes clear and plausible connections to the implications for the common good uses vocabulary associated with the concept.

6 30-2 In class assignment: What would be a Utopian society?
Create a plausible description of a society which would be best for the common good of the people that live there. The account must reflect clearly the challenges and opportunities such a society would face. The account could take the form of a short story, a ballad, a comic strip or a dramatic script. Suggest that students first prepare a draft of their fictional account in the form of a rough copy, a storyboard or a mind map. Make sure that your fictional society: accurately reflects either individualism or collectivism or both. makes clear and plausible connections to the implications for the common good uses vocabulary associated with the concept.

7 Assessment: Peer critique Presentation

8 Unit 1 Test on Tuesday See revision sheets

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