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I’m looking for Mei’s house

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Presentation on theme: "I’m looking for Mei’s house"— Presentation transcript:

1 I’m looking for Mei’s house
ALT: Who is this? Yes, that’s right – it’s Totoro. JTE: What does he say? (Click to show Totoro’s speech bubble; have students read it)

2 Mei’s house ALT: Here is Yamagata and Totoro is right here (click)
JTE: What is this pink house? (Students guess). Yes, that’s right, it’s Mei’s house (click) “Totoro is looking for Mei’s house.”

3 目標 1. トトロを助けよう 2. 道案内で用いる表現を覚えよう ALT: Now, let’s check the goals.
Help Totoro Try to remember key phrases for giving directions [you can say this in English b/c it is already written in Japanese]

4 Practice with students. Add gestures for active classrooms.
go down this street

5 Practice with students. Add gestures for active classrooms.
turn left

6 Practice with students. Add gestures for active classrooms.
turn right

7 Practice with students. Add gestures for active classrooms.
traffic light

8 at the second traffic light
first Practice with students. Add gestures for active classrooms. at the second traffic light

9 2. Turn left at the second traffic light
暗記してみよう! 1. Go down this street. 2. Turn left at the second traffic light Give students some time to memorize these expressions. Next you will select some students to give Totoro directions.

10 Finally have some students tell Totoro the way to Mei’s house
Finally have some students tell Totoro the way to Mei’s house. Totoro’s image has a motion path so you can click and it will trigger his movement to Mei’s house. I like to stop him at the intersection at the light and check one more time which way he goes (e.g. “left or right”?).

11 Thank you!!

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