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Programs, Plans and Perspectives Cita M. Furlani, Director, Information Technology Laboratory March 17, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Programs, Plans and Perspectives Cita M. Furlani, Director, Information Technology Laboratory March 17, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Programs, Plans and Perspectives Cita M. Furlani, Director, Information Technology Laboratory March 17, 2011

2 NIST Mission and Programs NIST Laboratories Create critical measurement solutions and promote equitable standards to stimulate innovation, foster industrial competitiveness, and improve the quality of life. Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership Nationwide network of resources helping smaller manufacturers compete globally Baldrige Performance Excellence Program Promoting and recognizing performance excellence via information and Presidential awards in manufacturing, service, small business, education, health care, and the nonprofit sector Technology Innovation Program Supports development of cutting edge technologies by the private sector and universities to address critical national needs and key societal challenges Courtesy Stoner Inc. Courtesy Steuben © Geoffrey Wheeler T o promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life NIST is the nations innovation agency

3 NIST: Basic Stats and Facts Major assets ~ 2800 federal employees ~ 2600 associates and facilities users/year ~ 1600 field staff in partner organizations (Manufacturing Extension Partnership) Two main locations, MD and CO Four collaborative Institutes (basic physics, biotech, quantum, marine) ©Robert Rathe FY 2010 Appropriations $862 M $520 M $147 M $195 M

4 NIST has… … two main campuses Boulder, CO Gaithersburg, MD Courtesy HDR Architecture, Inc./Steve Hall © Hedrich Blessing © Geoffrey Wheeler

5 University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute JILA NIST + University of Colorado NIST has…...four joint institutes Hollings Marine Laboratory NIST + NOAA + South Carolina + College of Charleston + Medical University of South Carolina Joint Quantum Institute NIST + University of Maryland + NSA

6 NIST Organization

7 Measurement Science Physical Measurement Laboratory Fundamental units Applied measurements Calibrations Metric program State weights & measures programs Material Measurement Laboratory Material composition & properties Validated methods & data Standard reference materials Laboratory accreditation

8 Technology Standards Information Technology Laboratory Cybersecurity Cloud computing Identity management Computer forensics Wireless Health IT Engineering Laboratory Building technologies Fire research Smart Grid & energy technology Advanced manufacturing technology

9 Unique Measurement Capability – National Facilities Center for Nanoscale Science & Technology Collaborative research & shared-access nanofabrication facility Established 2007 Large & growing industrial use base Center for Neutron Research Most productive & efficient neutron scattering facility in US Unique probe of atomic & molecular structure/dynamics Accounts for over 2/3 of neutron research in US

10 Information Technology Lab Mission To promote US innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology through research and development in information technology, mathematics, and statistics.

11 ITL Core Competencies Technology Development IT Measurement and Testing Mathematical and Statistical Analyses for Measurement Science Modeling and Simulation for Measurement Science IT Standards Development and Deployment Customers Academia Industry Govt Consortia

12 NIST addressing critical national needs – Interoperability Cyber Security Cloud Computing Complex Information Systems Foundations of Measurement Science for Information Systems Public Safety Communications Systems Smart Grid Health Information Technology Image: Shutterstock, ©Konstantin Sutyagin

13 NIST addressing critical national needs – Cyber Security Scalable cybersecurity for emerging technologies and threats Improved cryptographic capabilities Stronger assurance of online user identities Easier-to-use security mechanisms Increased use of security automation technology Security measurement for large- scale systems Secure adoption of emerging virtual technologies Critical infrastructure testbed development ©Shutterstock/freebird ©Robert Rathe

14 NIST addressing critical national needs – Cloud Computing Accelerate the federal governments secure adoption of cloud computing Build a USG Cloud Computing Standards Roadmap which focuses on the highest priority USG cloud computing security, interoperability and portability requirements Lead efforts to develop standards and guidelines in close consultation and collaboration with standards bodies, the private sector, and other stakeholders Accomplishments Final Guide to Security for Full Virtualization Technologies, January 2011 DRAFT Guidelines on Security and Privacy Issues in Public Cloud Computing, January 2011 DRAFT NIST Definition of Cloud Computing, January 2011 DRAFT NIST Cloud Computing Synopsis & Recommendations, March 2011

15 NIST addressing critical national needs – Complex Information Systems Goal: Define a systematic method to measure, understand, predict and control macroscopic behavior in complex information systems, e.g., Internet and Clouds Leverage modeling and analysis techniques used by NIST scientists to study large physical systems Interdisciplinary Team of computer scientists, statisticians, mathematicians and information visualization experts Combination of methods – scale reduction methods – orthogonal fractional factorial experiment design – sensitivity analysis – multidimensional data analysis techniques NIST Special Publication 500-282: Study of Proposed Internet Congestion Control Mechanisms Currently conducting a study of resource allocation algorithms for Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Clouds

16 NIST addressing critical national needs – Foundations of Measurement Science for Information Systems Develop metrics for assessing critical properties of information systems that can be used to both design more reliable and secure systems, as well as to enable effective real- time control of deployed systems. Macro-scale structure and dynamics of large-scale interconnected systems Identify and characterize fundamental measurable properties of complex information systems that are indicators of the systems' inherent level of security and reliability Complex Networks Data Sets

17 NIST addressing critical national needs – Public Safety Communications Goal: To expedite the development of standards for public safety communications Provide the public safety community with a better understanding of what to expect from new and emerging networking technologies Accelerate the standardization and utilization of such technologies Technical Approaches Conduct measurements to assess radio performance Devise mathematical, simulation tools and modeling techniques to accurately characterize network protocol and system performance Major Accomplishments Developed a modeling and simulation platform for evaluating the use of Long Term Evolution technologies in support of public safety communications Developed simulation, testing, and protocol validation tools for select Project 25 standard specifications

18 NIST addressing critical national needs – Smart Grid Interoperability Working collaboratively, develop a framework and measurement tools for interoperability of Smart Grid devices and systems. Foundational Smart Grid Standards Cyber Security for Smart Grid Networking Standards for Smart Grid Electric Power Metrology and the Smart Grid

19 NIST addressing critical national needs – Health IT Standards for National Priority Critical Infrastructures: Health Information Technology Support progress toward a nationwide healthcare information infrastructure by Developing and harmonizing usable standards for health IT technologies Creating a health IT technology testing infrastructure Biomedical Measurements to Support Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Develop the measurement science and reference materials to improve the accuracy, reproducibility, and efficacy of measurements used in medical diagnostics and imaging Develop the measurement science and standards to support manufacturing and regulatory approval of biologic drugs Image: Shutterstock, ©Konstantin Sutyagin 19

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