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Acid Rain.

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1 Acid Rain

2 Acid Rain Rain that has a pH of less than 5 are considered an acid rain. Acid rain can damage property such as statues. Acid rain can also kill or damage plant life. The acid rain can collect in rivers and lakes to damage marine life


4 Rainwater Rain is normally slightly acidic.
This is because carbon dioxide present in the air dissolves in the rain water and creates carbonic acid. Certain pollutants such as sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxides also will dissolve in the rain water to make the rain even more acidic.

5 Causes Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are naturally produced from volcanoes. They are also produced from burning fossil fuels such as coal or gasoline. They are also produced in other types of industry.


7 Where the rain falls… Determines how much damage the acid rain will do. Certain things erode very quickly when hit with acid rain, other can resist. Marble statues or grave stones erode very quickly with acid rain. Granite doesn’t.

8 In the water If the rain falls on an area rich in calcium carbonate (limestone), the acid is quickly neutralized and doesn’t do much damage. If it falls in areas where there isn’t something to neutralize it, it will do damage and collect in rivers and lakes. If enough gets into the lakes it will kill all life present.

9 Homework Read section 10.3 and 10.4 On page ; 89-90

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