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Presentation on theme: "Effective PRESENTATIONS"— Presentation transcript:

What are your first feelings/reactions when asked to give a presentation? Presented By: Elizabeth Hilton

2 Guidance councillor quiz
Human Resources – I didn’t know what that was blindly applied for an HR program (again I was 17) second year - dawned on me - human interaction in profession terrified talk small groups hadn’t even thought about presenting Elective - public speaking course physically ill Learnt great tools Joined student council, ran a campaign, did election speech in auditorium Got elected, spent a lot of time talking in front of groups after that SME at my work - asked to present Developed tools - create and deliver - what I am going to discuss today The tools I use when putting together a presentation and presenting I now present in person and virtually to groups of people

3 Acronym to remember key points of giving a presentation.
many acronyms available to assist you in presenting several I was taught in courses. I will not be using any of these, as you can see this one is trademarked.

4 AGENDA What is a mind map
How I used a mind map for todays presentation Activity Real talk

5 My original mind map brainstorm

6 Mind map template Participants have 2 handouts – 1 to note take 1 for activity later

7 Subject: Typically given Actually write it down

8 Presenting

9 Presenting Body Body Body Body Body Don’t limit to 5
All body points good Wean down later Brainstorm – walk away – revisit – brainstorm again Body Body

10 Presenting Preparation

11 Presenting Preparation - request details of event - dry run - time it
- back up plans - get there early - talk to audience as they arrive - nerves Details of event # of ppl screen advancer overhead set up of room Dry Run try to dry run to someone Back up plans presentation before save to thumb drive send to yourself in an bring your computer even if told don’t have to These things are all to help combat your nerves

12 Presenting Preparation Content

13 Presenting Content - design mind map - write down every idea
- create body first - then develop opening and closing - simple language Content No idea is too small write everything during brainstorming You might have 10 body ideas – write them down – scale them later Simple language – words everyone understand and don’t get hung up on

14 Presenting Preparation Content PowerPoint

15 Presenting PowerPoint - is PowerPoint appropriate? - diagrams/photos
- basic design - shorten it - words distract - bring slide advancer Basic design – crazy themes very distracting Colour – remember many people colour blind PowerPoint

16 Presenting Preparation Content Delivery PowerPoint

17 Presenting Delivery - visual aid - avoid talking head - be yourself
- points on paper - avoid jargon - ask questions - use examples Points on paper – large font - put on podium or table or floor beside where writing - if writing on white board you can pre draw/write with transparent marker/pen on white paper Delivery

18 Presenting Preparation Body Language Content Delivery PowerPoint

19 Presenting Body Language - be yourself - stand up
- don’t worry (ums, hands) - attire - eye contact - deep breath - nerves are expected Body Language

20 Opening Presenting Preparation Body Language Content Delivery

21 Opening Presenting - grab your audience - introduce yourself
- tell a story/ask questions - agenda (display it) - explain timeline

22 Opening Presenting Preparation Body Language Content Delivery
PowerPoint Closing

23 Presenting Closing - review what discussed - story - summarize
- prove point - call to action Closing

Complete mind map template BODY BODY CLOSING

25 REMEMBER … The audience wants you to succeed
I know you all hoped I would succeed and be effective and you would learn I hope I was able to live up to your expectations and that even so far you have at least one thing to walk away with

26 Activity Think of something you really enjoy
If you cant think of anything specific maybe you could use your vehicle, the vacation you recently went on or a restaurant you recently visited - subject Now think about 3-5 things about this topic – write them in your body Now make small point form notes about each body piece you just wrote down Are these 3-5 things positive For example you could have come up with why someone should purchase your car model or why they shouldn’t The what these 3-5 things are saying about your subject may be the point you are trying to convey and therefor your opener/closer Now think of a story, or some questions to ask the audience = ex. What do you look for in a car? Story of you driving the car for the first time This is how I start building a presentation.


28 Real talk This is still me
Though honoured, I was nervous when asked to present today Nerves are normal it is just how we deal with them and if we let them take over

Created my mind map to overcome my nerves CLOSING


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